Passed the 70-272 exam today, new MCDST!
I studied hard for the 70-271 and scored a 949 just five days ago. I didn't have much materials to use on the 70-272 exam, and only had 4 days to study.. needless to say, I scored a 727. I'm happy with that, concidering I didn't really have any study material, and I took the test after only 4 days of studying (few hours per day). I also don't have any work experience.
As someone once said.. a pass is a pass!
Feel's good to finally be a MCDST.
When can I expect to get the actual certificate in the mail?
As someone once said.. a pass is a pass!
Feel's good to finally be a MCDST.
When can I expect to get the actual certificate in the mail?
WillTech105 Member Posts: 216You have to go to the MCP site and request it yourself (MS dont give it to you automatically).In Progress: CCNP ROUTE
janmike Member Posts: 3,076Congrats! And, that is a fine score!"It doesn't matter, it's in the past!"--Rafiki