Your strong vocabulary can help feed the poor

binarysoulbinarysoul Member Posts: 993
United Nations sponsored


  • Lee HLee H Member Posts: 1,135

    Why didnt they save the money they spent on the website and buy rice with it instead

    or if its advertising funded then make it worthwhile to be the on website it with some games or daily quizes

    Lee H
  • dtlokeedtlokee Member Posts: 2,378 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I donated 200 grains of rice and got bored. I don't see the connection between vocabulary and rice. I guess the site was set up by a bunch of disgruntled English teachers.
    The only easy day was yesterday!
  • binarysoulbinarysoul Member Posts: 993
    dtlokee wrote:
    I don't see the connection between vocabulary and rice. I guess the site was set up by a bunch of disgruntled English teachers.

    Well-said! As an example, they could have instead present clickable images showing poor people to attract e-donations. Yehh last time I checked rice and vocabalry weren't married!

  • Paul BozPaul Boz Member Posts: 2,620 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Education leads to betterment. I just donated 10,000 grains. I could do this all day.

    I think it's admirable that they're taking the initiative to both educate and provide nourishment for under privileged.

    If you figure there are 29,000 grains of rice in a pound and you take their total of 1,194,402,960 grains of rice raised so far, they've already committed to donating 41,186 pounds of rice and their site has only been up since the 7th of October. That's one hell of a thing to do for the sake of helping people.
    CCNA Security | GSEC |GCFW | GCIH | GCIA
  • ladiesman217ladiesman217 Member Posts: 416
    im now playing. its a good site. :)
    No Sacrifice, No Victory.
  • Lee HLee H Member Posts: 1,135
    I could do this all day

    How many of us can actually can do this all day, and does the time spent on this site quantify the amount of rice donated. However much rice you donate for 1 hour could you not have spent it in a more charity productive way.

    Apologies if you like this sort of thing but to me its a watse of internet resources and of poeples time, if there were something remotely interesting to do on the site and it warranted special appeal then i would be a regular visitor.

    And i too dont see the connection between vocabulary and rice, seems like an advertising tool which donates very little of its revenue to charity in the form of rice.

    Lee H
  • PashPash Member Posts: 1,600 ■■■■■□□□□□
    Unfortunately, for many poorer nations, every little counts. These countries arent seeing any change in many of the issues that are plauging them now. Even little children are denied basic medical care which although basic and simple to us, would save them from almost certain death. My friend went to Zimbabwe for 6 months to work for a charity organisation out there, she came back in tears for what she had seen on much of her time there.

    Any charity that helps the underprivalged and extremely poor should be encouraged. < is a good charity site for buying nice gifts, my personal faveourite is a mini farmyard to feed an african family. Now that is a gift!

    If im honest I have donated more to our RSPCA fund here in the UK over the years, simply because animals can never speak out agaisnt cruelty or harm but they feel much of the senses we do (for me that is incredibly important).
    DevOps Engineer and Security Champion. - I am trying to find my writing style, so please bear with me.
  • ladiesman217ladiesman217 Member Posts: 416
    Unfortunately, for many poorer nations, every little counts.

    I salute you Pash! icon_thumright.gif
    No Sacrifice, No Victory.
  • Lee HLee H Member Posts: 1,135
    Unfortunately, for many poorer nations, every little counts

    I also i agree that every little helps, but instead of playing a vocabulary game to win food for hungry people is it not a better idea to just donate £2 and save yourself the time and bother of testing your English.

    I would also like to know how much rice would cost £2 and comapre that to the time spent on the website to win the same amount of rice.

    Go figure!!!

    Lee H
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