Help needed with ISA 2004

billybob01billybob01 Member Posts: 504
I have installed ISA 2004 and all is working fine until we had a request for OMA/Active Sync, thats when all hell broke loose. We currently have Forms Based Authentication for for OWA which is working fine. Now i`ll try and keep it simple. The OWA certificate is on the Default WebSite in IIS. This has stopped me from requesting another certificate, but i found a way around this by creating a Dummy website in IIS and this enabled me to request another certificate for OMA. Now i binded another IP Address onto the external interface and created another web publishing rule for OMA and another Web Listener for OMA, using the new certificate. So i have a web listener for and another web listener for, but oma is not working. Can anyone please save me from going mad!!
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