Exchange Cals


is there anyway to check to see how many exchange Cal's one has

the company I work for has just recently taken on a few new customers and the paper work is shady at best

is there any where in exchange to add in additional licenses (I've never seen this option)

or do you just purchase the Cals and it is sort of on the Honor system that everything is on the up and up ??

our primary goal is to ensure that all the licensing is on the up and up so it doen't come back on us


  • famosbrownfamosbrown Member Posts: 637
    it's an honor system usually. Check your should have some agreements on what version of Exchange you bought and how many CAL's were purchased. If it was purchased using one of the Open License methods, you should be able to enter the License or Agreement number on the eOpen site to view everything about including Software Assurance, expirations, etc. If it is Enterprise Agreement, you should be able to contact MS Licensing directly or check the enterprise Agreement website with credentials they provide. If it was EA, then MS manages it for you, and you should have some bills laying around somewhere...they scan sometime in July or August to see how many licenses you are using and then bill you for them.
    B.S.B.A. (Management Information Systems)
    M.B.A. (Technology Management)
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