Ill informed Admin's about Raid Mirroring...

TechJunkyTechJunky Member Posts: 881
I get this all the time from other Administrators that I work closely with at an enterprise level...

They believe Raid is a backup.


Raid is a hardware failsafe incase one of your drives fails. It's purpose is NOT to backup your data. A Raid 1 vs a Raid5 will NOT backup your data any better. This simply allows for hardware redundancy incase a drive fails.

Please remember that Raid is used for hardware redundancy and not a backup solution. If you get a virus on one drive all drives now have a virus. Now how is this a backup? It does not backup, it is REAL time copying process that allows for redundancy.

You still need a backup solution incase something goes wrong with software....

Sorry, had to rant. I just cant believe how incompetant some people are to be working for enterprise class employers.

Good day.


  • NetstudentNetstudent Member Posts: 1,693 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Do these admins have any certifications or formal education? I guess everyone has to learn sometime. It seems that is something any admin on any level would know.

    It actually does not surprise me though....I'v seen multimillion dollar companies with a stand alone IT dept. that didn't even have a D.R plan because it wasn't financially suported by the upper level management. I've also been around admins that were so frugal that they would rather let their harddrives get completely full of user junk with 80% fragmentation, than buy a couple more HDD's for Raid5. Thier solution was to keep on manually removing bits and pieces over time, yet continously deal with errors from overloaded fragmentation. Talk about some uneeded administrative overhead.
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  • ally_ukally_uk Member Posts: 1,145 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Ive seen worse believe me company backups stored in a cardboard box on top of the server cabinet not locked away.

    1) potential for theft

    2) Anyone could use these tapes in the server giving them access to allsorts of useful employee information.

    3) Disaster recovery hmmm I don't think so if a fire happened then they would be screwed

    I bought it up before and wasn't really listened to ah well some people won't listen to you because you are in a lower paid position but it doesn't take common sense to work out that's a risk.
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