How do you deal with stress?

xwesleyxwillisxxwesleyxwillisx Member Posts: 158
Often times in the wonderful world of computers things inevitably go wrong and you are often the scapegoat.

How do you guys deal with the stress?

Personally, I usually just laugh it off and remember I could never work any other job. icon_lol.gif


  • IT_AdminIT_Admin Member Posts: 158
    I threaten to kill everyone. :D

    If it gets too bad to deal with I just walk away for 10-15mins then come back.
    Next victim: 70-351

    On my way to MCSE 2K3: Security
  • SieSie Member Posts: 1,195
    Post on here whilst trying to ignore the screen to my left filled with red.....
    Foolproof systems don't take into account the ingenuity of fools
  • livenliven Member Posts: 918
    I lift weights....

    Sounds lame but it just what i do...

    Really helps with the stress. That and eating as healthy as possible.

    Of course I mumble four letter words to the computer from time to time, but I try to keep that to a minimum.
    encrypt the encryption, never mind my brain hurts.
    I lift weight too

    I seem to have better workouts when i am stressed out... i really bench press the stress out

    Its helped me to get control of my diabetes so in a way the stress is good
  • Univ3rs@lUniv3rs@l Member Posts: 25 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Often times in the wonderful world of computers things inevitably go wrong and you are often the scapegoat.

    How do you guys deal with the stress?

    Personally, I usually just laugh it off and remember I could never work any other job. icon_lol.gif

    I try and remember that life is too short to focus on the little things like that. I normally never go six months without somewhere cool to travel. That may do the trick.
  • silentc1015silentc1015 Member Posts: 128
    I played world of warcraft and I train in boxing. Both are very good stress relievers. icon_lol.gif

    I also spend time with my girlfriend or take a walk and remind myself that none of this stuff is really important, at least not in my case. Other things are far more important like friends, family, etc... Whatever little crisis I'm facing is usually really insignificant if I look at the big picture like this, then I can chill out and do what I need to do to fix it.
  • MishraMishra Member Posts: 2,468 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I just look at all the positive things about my job. If I can't find positive things then I leave that job. Currently what I enjoy about my job are

    good pay
    a 2 person shared office (better than a cube farm)
    interaction with lots of equipment
    busy instead of bored
    great boss
    a fair working environment (not out smelling some dirty factory or anything)
    and so on

    Everyone job is going to have things you don't like and stresses. I believe you just have to find the job that makes a good balance of it and remain positive.

    And I suppose coming up with a solution to a particular stress also relieves my stress. Just like a user was crazy complaining to me about "all these computers having problems" but really she was just bumping the mouse. I then try and come up with a solution for the supervisor to check out basic issues before coming to me for IT related issues.
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  • NetstudentNetstudent Member Posts: 1,693 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I hit up my ole lady when I need some stress relief! icon_lol.gif Unless she is causing the stress! icon_lol.gif

    IN that case, I'll go spend some money by myself or go play frisbee golf. Self-righteousness is always a stress reliever for me.
    There is no place like BUT is my away from!
  • BeaverC32BeaverC32 Member Posts: 670 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Take regular time off/vacation, exercise, relax on the weekends, take breaks throughout the day, etc. I've found that some people take work way too serious and just need to mellow out. Those who think through problems with a calm and collective attitude typically fare better than their stressed-out counterparts :)
    MCSE 2003, MCSA 2003, LPIC-1, MCP, MCTS: Vista Config, MCTS: SQL Server 2005, CCNA, A+, Network+, Server+, Security+, Linux+, BSCS (Information Systems)
  • nice343nice343 Member Posts: 391
    lift weights
    My daily blog about IT and tech stuff
  • Darthn3ssDarthn3ss Member Posts: 1,096
    wild rage fits.
    Fantastic. The project manager is inspired.

    In Progress: 70-640, 70-685
  • jamesp1983jamesp1983 Member Posts: 2,475 ■■■■□□□□□□
    liven wrote:
    I lift weights....

    Sounds lame but it just what i do...

    Really helps with the stress. That and eating as healthy as possible.

    Of course I mumble four letter words to the computer from time to time, but I try to keep that to a minimum.

    I second that
    "Check both the destination and return path when a route fails." "Switches create a network. Routers connect networks."
  • PashPash Member Posts: 1,600 ■■■■■□□□□□
    If only I could show you our companies stress releiving techniques on our intranet portal, put it this way, you can always smile with a well placed eslastic band and a paper clip.

    Ive got a lot of work on at the moment leading up to xmas, my phillisophy what I can do, dont stress it because then you get tired more quickly and run out of time this way. When im tired, trip to starbucks is sometimes a good idea. Setting unrealistic goals is normally the job of management, my job is engineering, if there are delays....there are delays.
    DevOps Engineer and Security Champion. - I am trying to find my writing style, so please bear with me.
  • dpsdps Member Posts: 116
    Play basketball. icon_bounce.gif
    Focused and Steady.
  • snadamsnadam Member Posts: 2,234 ■■■■□□□□□□
    drink heavily....HAHA just kidding!

    it depends on the moment, but normally, I go home and play guitar as loud as possible for about 30-60 minutes. I usually feel pretty good after that. Other times, its just playing videogames or talking with the wife. However, videogames (cough cough, HALO) cause stress for me sometimes. I guess I just try to keep busy and not think about whats **** me off...
    **** ARE FOR CHUMPS! Don't be a chump! Validate your material with search engine

    :study: Current 2015 Goals: JNCIP-SEC JNCIS-ENT CCNA-Security
  • sir_creamy_sir_creamy_ Inactive Imported Users Posts: 298
    Put on the headphones and pump the brain with some gangsta beats. The best doctor for your mental health is Dr. Dre.
    Bachelor of Computer Science

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  • dtlokeedtlokee Member Posts: 2,378 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Shoot something....
    The only easy day was yesterday!
  • btowntechbtowntech Member Posts: 198 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I run, cycle, or lift weights
    BS - Information Technology; AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering
  • networker050184networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
    Run or play golf if I have time to get away. If I don't have time to get away I put on some music to try to take my mind off the stress while I work.
    An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made.
  • ladiesman217ladiesman217 Member Posts: 416
    i just manage to forget about the problems while i dont still have the solution at hand. i play with my 10 yr old kid whenever time permits, that way i feel like a child. :P

    i made a research and decided to just drag it up here instead of posting the link for your convenience. :)

    Common Symptoms of Stress

    1. Increased or decreased appetite
    2. Cravings for sweet or salty foods
    3. Cravings for alcohol, tobacco or other drugs
    4. Irritability, mood swings, anger, or crying uncontrollably
    5. Feeling overwhelmed
    6. Feeling impatient, rushed, or hassled
    7. Difficulty balancing all of your responsibilities
    8. Experiencing headaches, heartburn, or stomach and digestive upset
    9. Experiencing fatigue, insomnia, or exhaustion
    10. Defensiveness, frustration, or self-loathing
    11. Feeling nervous, anxious, or worried even when there is no apparent cause
    12. Having difficulty rebounding from workouts or athletic competitions
    13. Feeling fearful when the phone rings or someone knocks at the door
    14. Having difficulty focusing, concentrating or remembering things

    Healthy Ways to Eliminate Stress

    1. Lose Weight
    Obesity and stress are interrelated. Even losing ten pounds can work wonders for the stress your heart and muscles bear. (Disregard this if your stress has caused you to lose weight, as it does with some people!)

    2. Exercise
    Three times a week is just right for getting your heart in top condition, but you'll also reap the benefits of stronger muscles and increased energy, both of which alleviate stress.

    3. Sleep
    Don't sabotage your beauty rest to feel like you're working harder or are indispensable to others in your life - the work you do is worthy of its own value whether you sleep or not, and proper sleep will actually help you to function better.

    4. Enjoy Life's Little Luxuries
    Massage, hydrotherapy, aromatherapy and music can help ease some of the symptoms of stress.

    5. Slow Down
    Take the side streets instead of the congested freeway, bake dinner instead of picking up a burger and fries, or take a bath instead of a shower. Put off things that aren't important - save the laundry for the weekend, hire a housekeeper once a month, or cut back on some of your activities. Making time for you is important. If your life is highly regimented try scheduling time for yourself just like you would a meeting or doctor's appointment.

    6. Think Positive
    Studies show that there really is something to the maxim 'the power of positive thinking.' Choosing not to obsess over life's daily stressors can work wonders. Find a way to laugh at bad situations to put them in perspective. Focusing on the positive will help you take each task in stride.

    7. Eat Right
    Eliminate trans fatty acids, found in fried foods and packaged snacks like crackers and cookies. Eat 5 servings of vegetables a day (it's not as hard as you think!), and drink at least six glasses of water every day, as well. Increase your Omega-3 fatty acid intake with a quality supplement or wild salmon or tuna, and choose whole, brown grains over white, refined, sugary foods.

    8. Quit Smoking
    Smoking decreases oxygen flow to your heart and muscles, increasing the stress burden on your body. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, too.

    9. Avoid Negative Relationships
    Whether it's an in-law, a friend or a colleague, relationships that leave you feeling depressed about yourself or drained of energy must be changed or ended. Don't keep a relationship out of guilt or loneliness - you deserve to live free of stress. Surround yourself with a community of people that care for you and help you grow.

    10. Don't Take on Too Many Responsibilities
    Whether at work or with volunteer activities taking on too much can lead to stress. Often we accept tasks or projects we're only half-hearted about, and the toll this takes on our bodies just isn't worth it. Learn to say no, so that you can control the amount of work and responsibility in your life.

    11. Meditate or Seek Therapy
    Those who can talk about their problems, or spend twenty minutes a day thinking about nothing at all, have much better luck dealing with stress. Professional or otherwise, find someone that is willing to listen to you talk about life, and the things that bother you. Sometimes just 'getting things out' can release a ton of built up pressure.

    12. Organize Your Life
    Taking time to organize your life can pay huge dividends in the anti-stress department. Clean and sort your office, make daily schedules and lists of things to do, and tidy your house in manageable chunks. Sometimes the clutter and sheer number of things to accomplish in our lives can feel overwhelming. Improving your living and work environment, and dividing up tasks into controllable portions, can help free your life of disorder and chaos.

    13. Take Vitamins
    The final and most important way to fight stress is through supplementation. Today's foods are raised so quickly - particularly meats and produce - that supplementation is vital to getting all the nutrients that will keep your important stress fighting organs, such as your adrenal glands, in top shape. Our body's ability to function properly depends on a regular and plentiful supply of many naturally occurring substances, most of which our body cannot produce on its own. Providing our body with the right combination of nutrients can help reduce the devastating effects of stress. There are a number of natural substances that people espouse for their stress reducing or calming effects. But not all 'natural' substances are safe. For instance, Kava Kava, valerian and St. John's Wort have been used recently as stress remedies, but these have been shown to pose possible issues with safety, and are not appropriate for all people. There are indications that Kava Kava can lead to serious liver toxicity, that valerian can cause upset stomach, headache and abnormal heartbeats, and that St. John's Wort can cause fatigue, restlessness, and an increased sensitivity to sunlight. It is important to realize that not all 'natural' supplements are equally safe and effective. The following five ingredients represent the most effective, research-proven substances that support the body's own natural stress-reduction systems.
    No Sacrifice, No Victory.
  • NetstudentNetstudent Member Posts: 1,693 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Dang Dr. Ladiesman. You are a real therapist eh.... :)

    By the way, can you help me out, I got this thing on my.....HAHA j/k!
    There is no place like BUT is my away from!
  • sinistamunkeysinistamunkey Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Best stress relief I have found to date is a suitable scapegoat when things break
    Just because you can... doesn't mean you should.

    Next: 70-536 and then THE WORLD!
  • michael_knightmichael_knight Member Posts: 136
    Sex...if that doesn't work...which it should, or if you just can't get any go to the country and relax. Even better go to the country and have sex, but you better take up hunting or fishing or something your wife/girlfriend won't like to do so you can get a few hours to yourself, because then you'll be even more stressed from hearing her nagging
  • garv221garv221 Member Posts: 1,914
    How do you guys deal with the stress?

    Like some said, I lift weights as well. I also remind myself it is only a job, money is not real and I could die tomorrow. I have also been known to be a bar star.
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