
ultra-quiet rackmount case..... or something

Darthn3ssDarthn3ss Member Posts: 1,096
Okay, so i bought some comapny's old p3 rackmount server off of ebay.. its nice, but its loud. i pulled the plug on a few of the internal fans and that helped, but the power supply and the fan on the back that draws air out is pretty loud.. probably nearly as loud as the rest of my rack when its on (all my cisco stuff).. any suggestions? I'd like to make it into a router. i have another box set up as a router now, but i think that machine (better specs) is more useful as a server.

so any suggestions? is there some company that makes fairly quiet fans/supplies for 1u rackmount cases? i figure there can't be too much a market out there for quiet rack mounts, seeing as they're normally in an environment where.. who cares? :P
Fantastic. The project manager is inspired.

In Progress: 70-640, 70-685


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