Buisness Case Study - Concept Document
I'm new to Project Management - I usually just work on the tech end of things. I'm studying IT Project+ using the SYBEX study guide, which states that the PM should do a Business Case Analysis of the project and then do the Concept Document. This seems a little odd to me... would it not be best to be sure that you have the concept of what the customer wants figured out and documented BEFORE you do a Business Case Analysis? What if your concept of what is being asked is wrong... you would have done a worthless analysis... it would be for something other than what was requested. I would think the Concept Document should be completed first, then a Business Case Analysis. Anybody out there in PM that knows the industry accepted answer to this?
Any input would be appreciated.
Any input would be appreciated.
BJG Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
Any and all questions regarding PM can be found by looking in the-
PMBOK guide (project management body of knowledge)
it has been developed over the years by an international org. and is the 'bible' of project management.
You can get the current version from book shops or I know that when I was studying PM last year I found the last ver on the net for download from various sites.
Hope this helps. -
Webmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
Yes, the PMBOK is a must-have. The version from 1996 should be still available as a free download. Try www.pmi.org or just google your way to it