Wow, that's a busy section of this website;P
I wonder why everybody bash this exam? I found it very informative and material broad. Of course it's an entry exam ( PMP is next) but still somebody has to take it? My exam is Jan 19.
I wonder why everybody bash this exam? I found it very informative and material broad. Of course it's an entry exam ( PMP is next) but still somebody has to take it? My exam is Jan 19.
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L8Shift Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
I plan to take the Project+ exam this winter.. enroute to the PMP... et al..
I'm using the '04 Sybex Project+ book as a starter.....Dude, I Passed Dec. 2007 CISM Exam! -
Don 79 TA Member Posts: 44 ■■□□□□□□□□
I am planning to take this exam this week
i have spent the last 2 weeks studying hard for it -
sthomas Member Posts: 1,240 ■■■□□□□□□□
I have never heard anyone bash the Project+, I don't think it is very popular though. A lot of people probably don't know what it is but It may have it's niche.Working on: MCSA 2012 R2 -
TMM3 Member Posts: 39 ■■□□□□□□□□
I have not heard of people bash this exam, although frankly I have not heard the exam mentioned outside of seeing it for myself.
It does seem useful information and plan to bathroom book it and take it in a couple of weeks.
I don't see it doing any damage to your resume either.