interview question

Aquabat [banned]Aquabat [banned] Inactive Imported Users Posts: 299
so i had an interview today for a network administrator. I had a couple things on my resume like, T1's DS-3s, PRI. So the interviewer asked me a technical question about T1's that kinda stumped me.

He asked that wehn you hook up a T1 into a Wic-T1 card on a cisco router, what are the encapsulation and framing methods?

I told him " well, that would be a cisco default of hdlc, but there is no framing that needs to be changed"

he told me that that's half of the answer, but he said there is something with the framing? But then he said it's default so it's ok if i didn't know.

Any idea what he means?
i herd u leik mudkips lol


  • dtlokeedtlokee Member Posts: 2,378 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Linecoding and framing is probably what he was looking at. Typically T-1 use B8ZS and ESF, but there was the older standard of AMI and SF, and HDLC or PPP would be the encapsulation.
    R2(config)#controller t1 3/0
    Controller configuration commands:
      cablelength    Specify the cable length for a DS1 link
      cas-custom     cas group customization configuration
      channel-group  Specify the timeslots to channel-group mapping for an
      clock          Specify the clock source for a DS1 link
      crc-threshold  Specify how many CRC errors per second to be treated as
                     severely errored second (SES)
      default        Set a command to its defaults
      description    Controller specific description
      detect         Enable detection of loopback request
      ds0            ds0 commands
      ds0-group      Replacement of cas-group. Configure group of timeslots to a
                     particular signaling type
      exit           Exit from controller configuration mode
      fdl            Specify the FDL standard for a DS1 data link
      framing        Specify the type of Framing on a DS1 link
      guard-timer    Guard timer (0-20) for xcsp calls - timer duration and
                     accept/reject on expiry
      help           Description of the interactive help system
      linecode       Specify the line encoding method for a DS1 link
      loopback       Put the entire T1 line into loopback
      mode           Configure the controller mode
      no             Negate a command or set its defaults
      pri-group      Configure the specified timeslots for PRI 
      shutdown       Shut down a DS1 link (send Blue Alarm)
      tdm-group      Configure DS0 group for TDM
    R2(config-controller)#linecode ?
      ami   AMI encoding
      b8zs  B8ZS encoding
    % Incomplete command.
    R2(config-controller)#framing ?
      esf  Extended Superframe
      sf   Superframe
    % Incomplete command.
    The only easy day was yesterday!
  • mwgoodmwgood Member Posts: 293
    Here's an example of the first controller of a channelized T1 -

    controller T1 0/0/0
    framing esf
    clock source internal
    linecode b8zs
    channel-group 0 timeslots 1-18
    tdm-group 1 timeslots 19-24
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