Questions about XP 71-72

ComputerLover1ComputerLover1 Member Posts: 71 ■■□□□□□□□□

I just completed both classes through Skill Soft 71 and 72 and the information seems to overlap as far as the test prep is concerned . Will be sitting for these exams soon my questions are what can you expect is it scenerio based , graphics inclided in the exam . Both exams have 50 questions but I just wanted any advice that anyone can share who has passed both of them so that I can be prepared I know the important thing to do is relax but I seem to get nervous during exams . Any tips would help .

Thank you
Without struggles there can not be progress


  • KrankKrank Member Posts: 90 ■■□□□□□□□□
    As you say, both exams overlap. So if you studied for both, you shouldn't have problems. About the exams themselves, there are multiple-answer questions and simulations. The best advice I can give you is to read very carefully each question, a word could be the difference between a good and a bad answer. Start discarding the wrong answers so you can reduce the possibilities to fail.
  • neilbaalneilbaal Member Posts: 21 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I passed 70-271 on 21st december, and basically I'll second what Krank says, just take your time, use all the time available, relax, and read everything at a slower rate than normal, and make sure you know the differences between home and professional,

    And if you fail it you can alway's do it again,

    Just my 2 pence
  • ComputerLover1ComputerLover1 Member Posts: 71 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Thank you for the advice and I will be taking my time with these tests and future ones as I am the one paying for them . :D:D
    Without struggles there can not be progress
  • Magnum2544Magnum2544 Member Posts: 103
    Alot of the time you can eliminate answers with certain parts of the question. Make sure you read the entire question and consider each answer as to why it could be right or why it is wrong. Eliminate the ones you know are wrong, and you should be fine with the rest.
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