j938j938 Member Posts: 101
bginfo.exe once it places the image on desktop is it static or does it update any changes ?? so far I didnt see any changes as i changed the dns to see if it would change . thanks
Growth is limited.


  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    It doesn't detect changes. I just created a batch file and put it in my startup folder that runs it with command line options (that way it just updates it instead of loading the GUI). You can find the command line options at the bottom of this page:

    I typically don't change things that often, so that setup usually works for me. If I need things updated immediately, I just run it manually.
  • RTmarcRTmarc Member Posts: 1,082 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Here's part of my users' login script:
    :: Creates directory if needed
    if not exist "C:\bginfo" md C:\bginfo
    :: End directory creation
    :: Copies JPG if needed
    if not exist "C:\bginfo\winter.jpg" copy "\\server\wallpaper\winter.jpg" C:\bginfo
    :: End JPG copy
    :: Copies exe if needed
    if not exist "C:\bginfo\bginfo.exe" copy "\\server\wallpaper\bginfo.exe" C:\bginfo
    :: End exe copy
    :: Copies config file if needed
    if not exist "C:\bginfo\winter.bgi" copy "\\server\wallpaper\winter.bgi" C:\bginfo
    :: End config file copy
    :: Starts BGInfo App
    start c:\bginfo\bginfo.exe "c:\bginfo\winter.bgi" /timer:0
    :: End BGInfo app start
    :: End Script

    Works perfectly. I wrote that nearly two years ago and have only changed it a couple of times to have it load a different background image.
  • j938j938 Member Posts: 101
    Thanks guys........
    Growth is limited.
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