
Just Passed CCNA 640-802!

carbonscoringcarbonscoring Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
finally after months of studying just passed 640-802 with an score of 894! I cant tell you what a relief this is. I've been studying off and on for about a year. I'm a Cisco network academy student so I took the CCNA 1 and 2 class. I opted not to take the 3 and 4 since I really hit the books recently and from advice from a friend that has his CCNP felt that I was ready to take the exam.

A little advice for anyone that is going to take the exam and what helped me:

1. Be patient and try not to stress out over the questions. I was a bit nervous, actually alot and I think if I would have calmed down more answers that I knew but, couldn't think of right away, would have came to me.

2. Take the time at the beginning to go over the tutorial. I did and I think if I wouldnt have I would of questioned myself on how the format was laid out. This is also a great chance to review anything over in your head and to get yourself composed.

3. If you don't know a question move on. My first question was a simulator; and I totally froze up. I spent way to long on it and I'm pretty sure I got it wrong.

4. Also Take the exam when you know what part of the day you will be at your best. What I mean is that I took it at 11:00 in the morning. I could have taken it earlier in the morning however I figured that 11:00 works for me and my brain is probably at its best for test taking.

A few books that I used were:

CCNA Portable Command Guide - great book with alot of useful commands and has sections on quick ways to subnet.

CCNA Flash Cards and Exam Practice Pack (CCENT Exam 640-822 and CCNA Exams 640-816 and 640-802) (3rd Edition) (Flash Cards and Exam Practice Packs) - this book is huge and has great practice cards.

I also had my two network academy books that I bought at my community college.

If you are able to take the cisco network academy classes I would really encourage people to do so. I really think that helped me more than any of the books I read and its hands on with labs and tests. It sucked for me since the classes were at night and it was an accelerated class twice a week four hours a day but, it really paid off. Plus since I was a Network academy student I was able to down load Cisco's simulator "packet tracer" which saved me the trouble of having to go out and buy a used router and switch.

thanks and good luck!


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