Yay or Nay?

Aquabat [banned]Aquabat [banned] Inactive Imported Users Posts: 299
Hey has anyone ever seen the emulators at ?

i looks pretty awsome. it's 36 bucks but i wanted to check with you guys before i bought it.

i just want the pix/asa emulator because god forbid i get my hands on a pix
i herd u leik mudkips lol


  • ArveanArvean Member Posts: 87 ■■□□□□□□□□
    It seems good. i might give it a try as well on my prep for N+
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  • Aquabat [banned]Aquabat [banned] Inactive Imported Users Posts: 299
    ok i jsut bought it i couldn't resist.

    it's really awsome, there's alot of stuff for everything. and alot of labs for pix/asa/router/switch wlc/ap.

    the gui is kinda ghetto, mabye that's why it's only 37 bux.

    and it comes with self tests and stuff

    i recommend
    i herd u leik mudkips lol
  • EJizzelEJizzel Member Posts: 94 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I just checked out the site, what do they mean by $36 per machine. Do they charge for each simulated machine (ex. router, switch etc...) or is it $36 each installed computer.
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    What have you done with it? Other sims sell for hundreds of dollars, and even those don't do everything right. That package claims to have a ridiculous amount of functionality for that price.

    I'd be wary of the included study materials as well. IMO, they are providing way too much for $37.
  • mikej412mikej412 Member Posts: 10,086 ■■■■■■■■■■
    It looks similar to the functionality of the eLabs in the Cisco Network Academy Program -- but with more variety of labs, a better interface, and possibly better programming. They look like scripted Flash applications. I got bored with the Academy eLabs when I had to keep reconfiguring the router from scratch for each new eLab -- but repetition is one of the things that helps you to remember stuff (if you don't slash your wrist with a spork first).

    But you have to remember, in real life you don't have the check list to follow as you do configurations, unless you make them yourself. And Routers and Switches will happily let you type in any wrong command or address -- and you have to troubleshoot to find what you did wrong since there is no popup window to alert you to a misconfiguration. icon_lol.gif

    My only concern would be that someone has read a ****, and then asked for some functionality to added to the product.
    :mike: Cisco Certifications -- Collect the Entire Set!
  • Aquabat [banned]Aquabat [banned] Inactive Imported Users Posts: 299
    there'[s all kinda of exercisees for pix and access points.

    fix faults- basically they give a topology that doesn't work and they want you to fix it. It's doesnt look very buggy, i wish the interface was more customizable though.

    they have labs for pix 6.3 and 7.0 which is kinda cool, the 6.3 commands are reall ghetto compared to the 7.0 ones

    and there are a BUCNH of self-tests, but i wouldn't really use them.

    yea but regardless of trusting it or not. it's a router/switch/pix/aironet simulator for only 36 bux.

    per machine they mean 1 install on one computer

    i would suggest it if you can't get your hands on a pix (like me)
    i herd u leik mudkips lol
  • Aquabat [banned]Aquabat [banned] Inactive Imported Users Posts: 299
    uh oh, i think i found a bug here.

    this lab wants me to generate a 128 bit rsa key.

    i ran the ca generate rsa key 128 command- it barked at me and said that rsa keys can only be between 512-2048 icon_sad.gif
    i herd u leik mudkips lol
  • itdaddyitdaddy Member Posts: 2,089 ■■■■□□□□□□
    (if you don't slash your wrist with a spork first).

    dude you got me laughing so hard i fell from my computer chair GoDD is that funny!
    I can feel it haahahhahahaaLOL
    I might try it for 36 dollars a year on one machine..some labs seems simple but if they give
    a lot of variety repititon is key yeah!
  • itdaddyitdaddy Member Posts: 2,089 ■■■■□□□□□□

    so does that mean a bug or just telling you to up the rsa key number to 512 or higher??
    that is not a bug but a how do you like the sim on a scale of 1 to 10 what would you give it??

    does it have frame relay? routeron a stick? OSPF and EIGRP?
  • itdaddyitdaddy Member Posts: 2,089 ■■■■□□□□□□
    the 6.3 commands are reall ghetto compared

    dude the 6.3 commands they do suck major ghetto arnt the new 7.0 more like an IOS that we all love and know???

    so how is th network sim working for you do you feel you can learn with it?
  • Aquabat [banned]Aquabat [banned] Inactive Imported Users Posts: 299
    yea man definitly get it. it has frame relay and i saw eigrp and ospf. regardless though it has access points too. can't beat any of that for 36 bux. it has alot of self tests too, but i personally woulnd't use them for exam preparation

    some of the labs are 6.3 and some are 7
    i herd u leik mudkips lol
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