email and data mirgration (novell to AD)

rockstar81rockstar81 Member Posts: 151

Just wondering what kind of problems anyone has run into with email and data mirgrations? is there anything you would do different? what were the concerns etc any storys/feedback etc?


  • RussSRussS Member Posts: 2,068 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Have done it several times - hopefully they are XP machines.

    Backup email to pst file and store.
    Run Documents & Settings Transfer Wizard and save.
    For safety sake copy profile to location on C drive.

    Remember that when removing the Novell client that sometimes they leave bits behind. If no network connectivity you will probably find entries in the registry.

    Join machine to Windows domain - run Documents & Settins Wizard and import profile - import email from pst - load shared printers.

    Thats about it I think
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  • royalroyal Member Posts: 3,352 ■■■■□□□□□□
    If it's on a larger scale,
    Use Quest's migration tools for Novell directory to AD directory sync and user cutover. Quest will preserve local profiles and map them to domain profiles and join the computer to the domain.

    You will need to ensure that passwords are being sync'd between the two directories. There are several tools out there that will do this for you.

    Pretty sure you want to make sure the Novell client is not set to local workstation only so it's logging onto both Novell and to AD once you join it to the domain. It will stop talking to Novell once you remove the Novell client.

    You can use tools such as Robocopy, File migration Utility, or Quest's migration utilities to provide things such as Syncronization, permission mapping, etc....

    You can then do a Groupwise to Exchange migration using Groupwise connector if you're going to Exchange 2003, or Quest's groupwise tool if you're going directly to Exchange 2007.

    Keep in mind, that when you are migrating files from Novell, they'll decompress and then be moved over to the target file system. Either make sure you have enough space or migrate data in chunks.

    That's all I know really. I haven't done a Novell to AD migration myself, but I have helped out a little bit and listened to others who were migrating while I worked alongside them on separate stuff.
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  • CorySCoryS Member Posts: 208
    For the data migration the MSDSS tools work great and have been very good in transferring permissions on files/folders. As far as the email I am going to be using the Quest tool as it seems to fit our needs the best. No problems as of yet though in the directory/file migration yet and we are about 2 months in, with the requirements of running both systems in parallel for quite some time.
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