Do you guys think this is shady?

NetstudentNetstudent Member Posts: 1,693 ■■■□□□□□□□
So I just completed my last day at the current job. My co-worker starting being really short with me all week. Didn't say a word to me all week besides some little odd jobs that she wanted me to complete before I left. She has been with the company for 1 year longer than me so she has seniority. Ever since she heard I was moving into a higher position she started acting different.

Anyways this morning I tried to login to our fonality server to modify an ACD group, and bam, wrong password. So I tried typing it in a couple more times and sure enough she changed the password to the Call manager server. So I'm like alright I see how it is, just can;t wait for me to leave huh? This is 9 in the morning and I still have to work all day. So I'm like no biggie, the ACD group modification wasn't that big of a deal.

Couple hours later I needed to troubleshoot a hanging application that traverses our WAN link. I try to log into the firewall to doublecheck the policy, and bam, locked out of the firewall too.

So now I'm beginning to wonder what all she has changed. After looking around, I couldn;t access anything, literally. The only access I had was my domain admin account.

She knowingly locked me out of everything on the network first thing in the morning. Now I understand changing the passwords after I leave, but first thing in the morning when I still have a full day of work left? COME ON! icon_evil.gif

I really debated on just leaving sinice I couldn;t do my job, but I'm more professional than that.

Is that Shady or what? What are you opinions?
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  • Go BucksGo Bucks Member Posts: 152
    Are you leaving the company altogether? If so, I know a lot of companies will often pay you for two weeks of work when you turn in your notice and disable your credentials then. Assuming you were a good employee and leaving on "good" terms, it seems a little silly to do it that early in the day if you were still working your normal duties.
    "Me fail English? That's unpossible."
  • NetstudentNetstudent Member Posts: 1,693 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Yes leaving to another company. I put in a 2 week notice and I am a very good employee. My boss had no part in it. Matter of fact he was out of town.
    There is no place like BUT is my away from!
  • cacharocacharo Member Posts: 361
    Yeah that is a tough one. She should of at least given you the heads up that she was doing it. That way you could have figured out what you could do and be productive, even on your last day. I do not know how much I would fault her for the action of doing it. She was being proactive. I am sure you would have done it too, you would have just been more tactful. When you work in a sensitive environment sometimes the element of suprise is good to have on your side. You can never be too careful, even if someone is supposedly leaving on good terms.
    Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them become what they are capable of being.
  • dtlokeedtlokee Member Posts: 2,378 ■■■■□□□□□□
    It's sort of common, people feel they need to protect their systems like you're going to do someting to them on you last day. I worked in a place where they would tell usto disable user accounts on a set date. We all knew this was because they were going to fire the person on that date, but we knew 1-2 weeks ahead of time. We would disable it in the morning and then sit there all day getting calls from the guy because he can't log on. You really wanted to tell him to take all the staplers he could carry and get out, but it was like "we're working on it" and calling HR and saying "get it done already"
    The only easy day was yesterday!
  • Mrock4Mrock4 Banned Posts: 2,359 ■■■■■■■■□□
    I don't think it's necessary to ask if that is shady...of course it is.

    I would just stroll through your last days there, and move on to bigger and better things. Some people tend to get jealous when you are ready to advance. Truthfully, the company is losing out by not giving you the necessary tools to do your job.
  • shednikshednik Member Posts: 2,005
    yea definitely shady man...just be glad you're moving on to bigger and better things..
    My boss didn't really say a word to me my last week...i gave him and my vp a month and half to be exact to decide how they wanted me to train my replacement. Instead they continued to blow it off and sit in their back to back that i've spent a week at my new company i've realized how screwed up they really were. So i hope your new job treats you well and don't let them get to you..I lost all respect of my boss after some things he said to my buddy it's just sad how low people will go out of jealousy or just plain bitterness.
  • NetstudentNetstudent Member Posts: 1,693 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Ya I think she could have done it at the end of the day and VPN'ed to the network from home to make the changes. Or at least tell me. She knew I wouldn't do anything to the company. I kinda think she was jealous and wanted to do something to show control.
    There is no place like BUT is my away from!
  • Mrock4Mrock4 Banned Posts: 2,359 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Netstudent wrote:
    I kinda think she was jealous and wanted to do something to show control.

    That's exactly how it strikes me. We had a similar situation, although somewhat reversed. A guy was leaving us in about 6 months..or really being forced to quit in 6 months, after a job. He began to do a LOT of shady stuff. Random configs in switches would change, changed all the admin passwords on switches, basically turned the live network into his experiment. I worked night shift, so I spent the majority of the night shift cleaning up after him. Unfortunately, I was the only one who really saw what he did. I guess he was mad he was being pushed out.
  • nice343nice343 Member Posts: 391
    jealousy is a female trait
    - My mother

    You getting promoted potentially making more than her was the icing on the cake!

    she was probably thinking to herself "today is his last day, i will show him who runs this s**t"
    My daily blog about IT and tech stuff
  • brad-brad- Member Posts: 1,218
    I wouldnt say it was "shady", I'd say it was "bitchy".
  • NetstudentNetstudent Member Posts: 1,693 ■■■□□□□□□□
    ya maybe...I'm not going to sit here and talk bad about her, but overall I think it was pretty unprofessional and shady.
    There is no place like BUT is my away from!
  • Lee HLee H Member Posts: 1,135

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    Lee H
  • gojericho0gojericho0 Member Posts: 1,059 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I think she should at least have had the professional courtesy to have given you a heads up or explanation to why she changed the passwords/disabled your account especially since you were leaving on good terms. I'd just look at it as water under the bridge now since you are off to bigger and better things. Congrats on the new job!!! What will your responsibilities be?
  • NetstudentNetstudent Member Posts: 1,693 ■■■□□□□□□□
    maintaining IPSec and SSL VPN's. ASA, Checkpoint. Deploying Cisco WAAS. Admninstering F5 traffic management systems. EIGRP, BGP. Just to name a few.
    There is no place like BUT is my away from!
  • mobri09mobri09 Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 723
    Sounds very unprofesional to me. Stand your ground and keep your cool since you want to leave on a good note. Leaving a company is normal and happens everyday in the real world.
  • Aquabat [banned]Aquabat [banned] Inactive Imported Users Posts: 299
    dude who cares, you have 1 day left. just sit at your desk and stare at your monitor

    this is another reason why i can't work with women
    i herd u leik mudkips lol
  • PlantwizPlantwiz Mod Posts: 5,057 Mod
    Netstudent wrote:
    Ya I think she could have done it at the end of the day and VPN'ed to the network from home to make the changes. Or at least tell me. She knew I wouldn't do anything to the company. I kinda think she was jealous and wanted to do something to show control.

    go bucks wrote:
    Go Bucks
    Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 6:32 pm Post subject:
    Are you leaving the company altogether? If so, I know a lot of companies will often pay you for two weeks of work when you turn in your notice and disable your credentials then. Assuming you were a good employee and leaving on "good" terms, it seems a little silly to do it that early in the day if you were still working your normal duties.

    Sounds like you may be getting a bit petty over it. Frankly, I agree with Go Bucks for many reasons, when an employee give's best to pay them the 2 weeks and end the relationship. There may be times this doesn't apply, but ties have been severed and it's good security measures to end it quick and clean.

    So, how do you know 'she' knew you wouldn't do anything? And for all you who've commented/agreed that she's b1tchy and many of you'd say that if 'she' were a 'he'?

    Since you didn't confront her, you really don't know. Maybe it was a miscommunication. Maybe it was planned by upper-management. Maybe it was intentional. While your opinions of how and when it should have been done may be's not your company and you are leaving so in the best interest of the company and employee with the keys to some of the controls made some preventative measures. Big deal. You are leaving, so it really shouldn't matter much. Does it hurt emotionally? Maybe. But it's just business. Shouldn't be personal.

    Also, sometimes we can build allies with middle-management and we think they have our back...but they have 'zero' control and matters don't fall to them despite how much they like us.

    Do the right thing and don't worry about how you 'feel' (a woman trait since jealousy is also being characterized as 'female'...might as well name them all. Besides, someone told me once that guys can be just as 'nasty' as women....and it seems he's correct ;) ).
    "Grammar and spelling aren't everything, but this is a forum, not a chat room. You have plenty of time to spell out the word "you", and look just a little bit smarter." by Phaideaux

    ***I'll add you can Capitalize the word 'I' to show a little respect for yourself too.

    'i' before 'e' except after 'c'.... weird?
  • snadamsnadam Member Posts: 2,234 ■■■■□□□□□□
    sounds shady to me. I hope you were the bigger person and just smiled and walked away to your better job. :D

    "karma is a B***H!"
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    :study: Current 2015 Goals: JNCIP-SEC JNCIS-ENT CCNA-Security
  • professionaltechprofessionaltech Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I completly agree with Plantwiz:

    The first rule of security is not to trust anybody - regardless of the way and manner they are leaving the company. You shouldn't expect a security professional to allow someone access to firewalls and servers that house important functions of the business' processes.

    The problem as I see it - is that you have a problem with women having a position of authority over you, netstudent.

    As for everyone else passing judgement on someone and their role in the business - I won't feel sorry for any of you who have a person leave your company and they screw up your network their last day because you didn't lock them out of vital access points. The bottom line is it will be your responcibility and you will ultimately be blamed for any such occurance.

    Seeing as how all of you are PROFESSIONALS, I guess you knew that.

    Good Luck with your new job, DB!!
  • itdaddyitdaddy Member Posts: 2,089 ■■■■□□□□□□

    Security is fine but she should have told you that she was doing that especially when you work with them. no problem shutting you out. she should have told you that is all.
    not a slap in the face!

    dude welcome to my world! you are a sharp guy
    and man! When you are an Eagle and fly with turkeys! the Turkeys can get restless!

    dont look back! you cannot change people or put bandaids on all the boo boos of insecure people
    she or anyone who is insecure does these things; where was her authorization?
    she should have told you to be decent...

    I have been through something like this and man! nothiing you can do for them
    she was afraid all along of your drive for IT..leave them in the wake and enjoy life!

    great job for getting your new position

  • itdaddyitdaddy Member Posts: 2,089 ■■■■□□□□□□
    doesn't apply, but ties have been severed and it's good security measures to end it quick and clean.


    (beware spelling sucks! but you get the gist)
    completely disagree! it is like this! a Profesional would have told him ahead of time and then
    maybe had netstudent sign some documents saying do not give out secrets so to speak!
    not just lock you out. She was jealous and had a power trip; seen it 100s of times!
    she was jealous for along time of netstudents cockiness with IT he sounds like a smart but cocky guy; i am the same way and do not like or tolerate wimps (GUY or Girl) if you can't stand the heat get out of IT! I have been hammered by insecure IT managers and coworkers alike
    cause i am 95 % right! 99% of the time (hee hee) but it is blatent disrepect and unprofessional.
    especially if you have a working relationship with them.

    what she should have done is told him and have him sign some docs saying something of
    no disclosure and we have to do this. For example it is like this: short story!

    I have a friend/worker; and it is their birthday, I only have 5.00 dollars left in my wallet!
    I buy them a gift for their birthday to chip into the work birthday fund! when they get the gift
    i say A or B?

    A. Happy birthday so and so I am so happy for you (very nice and professional)
    B. Happy birthday so and so it was my last 5.00 bucks but hope you enjoy it!(duh what she did)

    my 4.5 cents
  • itdaddyitdaddy Member Posts: 2,089 ■■■■□□□□□□
    planwitz many of you'd say that if 'she' were a 'he'?

    doenst matter if girl or guy. what she did was wrong! period!
  • shednikshednik Member Posts: 2,005
    I completly agree with Plantwiz:

    The first rule of security is not to trust anybody - regardless of the way and manner they are leaving the company. You shouldn't expect a security professional to allow someone access to firewalls and servers that house important functions of the business' processes.

    The problem as I see it - is that you have a problem with women having a position of authority over you, netstudent.

    As for everyone else passing judgement on someone and their role in the business - I won't feel sorry for any of you who have a person leave your company and they screw up your network their last day because you didn't lock them out of vital access points. The bottom line is it will be your responcibility and you will ultimately be blamed for any such occurance.

    Seeing as how all of you are PROFESSIONALS, I guess you knew that.

    Good Luck with your new job, DB!!

    The bottom line is this...if she thought netstudent could do something malicious she should have at least told him she was locking him out and not expected him to do any work that day...Most people don't do much of anything their last day and netstudent was willing to honorably continue his workon his last day. It was shady how she carried herself. I think it's funny you signed up just to come after netstudent and make assumptions...kinda sad.
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    I think... this has been blown way out of proportion. Her actions were rude, but it's not the end of the world. It's not like she had security escort him out and humiliate him in front of his colleagues. I would have simply confronted her and asked what the deal was. I would have asked what I could still do and whether or not she had anything for me to do. If there wasn't anything I could do, I would have sent my boss an email explaining the situation and left. Even if her actions were malicious, let her have that little victory. You're on to bigger and better things, so who cares?
  • NetstudentNetstudent Member Posts: 1,693 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Well for everyone backing me up....Thanks.

    All in all, I thought it was unprofessioanl and I know she did it out of spite because she completely ignored me the whole week. She was on a power trip the whole week and as soon as she got a chnace to show me who was boss and show some power over me, she did by locking me out of everything. Throughout my time there she wouldn't listen to me. IF I tried to tell her something that she didn;t agree with, she would disagree untill she went home and called someone else just for someone else to confirm what I was trying to tell her. She was one of those types. So it;s no surprise she got all snoody and went and pulled some crap like that.

    ANd I did confront her about it. I would not have left it unsaid becuase I do have a backbone and I did have to work and I did support multiple sites. She kinda laughed and said sorry and that was it.

    I had a good relationship with everyone there for a solid year and I know she knew I would not do antying. SOmetimes you just know things about people, whether they are trust worthy or not. If she didn;t know, she had a serious lapse in judgement of character.

    Also when I took the place of the guy who left the co. 1 year ago, she did not do that to him. And he was not moving up in IT he went into another career field, but had seniority over her anyways.

    The whole point of this post was to get your opinions on it and see if anyone else had experinced simlar shadyness. Looks like people who are good at what they do, will always have people that try to show dominance because they feel threatened.
    There is no place like BUT is my away from!
  • itdaddyitdaddy Member Posts: 2,089 ■■■■□□□□□□
    yep; my life story! it sucks when insecure people are in positions of power! sucks! icon_eek.gif
  • RussSRussS Member Posts: 2,068 ■■■□□□□□□□
    As far as I am concerned it is SOP on the last day for any employee that has any elevated rights.
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  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Go Bucks wrote:
    Are you leaving the company altogether? If so, I know a lot of companies will often pay you for two weeks of work when you turn in your notice and disable your credentials then. Assuming you were a good employee and leaving on "good" terms, it seems a little silly to do it that early in the day if you were still working your normal duties.

    This is what happened to me the day I submitted my two weeks, I kinda loved the two weeks paid vacation, but I hated that they did that, I was the best worker they got in there the report and the graph proved it...

    Yeah I wouldn't worry about it too much, it was your last day anyway, I told my Boss though that I would return one day even a much much better employee haha, also when they did this I already backed up my terabyte stuff including some stuff I can use :P
  • SRTMCSESRTMCSE Member Posts: 249
    I would've simply asked to leave then. I did something similar at my last job. I had given 4 weeks notice but by the tuesday of my last week I had nothing to do. My boss thought he was helping me by finding busy work (ie. answering help desk calls, deskside support) since my replacement was well on his way. No rudeness, but I simply said "You all seem to be okay, do you mind if I make today my last day?"

    He went ahead and spoke to the IT director and they did the normal, account lockouts, company belongings & keys. No hard feelings, but I wouldn't sit there for 4 days doing help desk work (nothing against help desk/desk side, I just can't stand it, I don't like people, LOL).

    It was actually a little hard...they had a nice lunch planned for me on Friday, haha.
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