dialup my only option, 33.6K, please help me

binarysoulbinarysoul Member Posts: 993
I'm out of town and dialup is the only option at least for another few weeks icon_sad.gif . The speed I'm getting is only 33.6k and I've tried chaging modem settings, no go to get closer to 50k.

Is it possible the provider is putting a cap? Using WinXP.


  • royalroyal Member Posts: 3,352 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Dialup still exists? Kidding of course! I bet it's just line noise.
    “For success, attitude is equally as important as ability.” - Harry F. Banks
  • binarysoulbinarysoul Member Posts: 993
    Should I get filters?
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,078 Admin
    What's the modem? If you have only an old V.34 then 33.6 kbs is the best you'll ever get. You need a modem that support V.42/44/90/92 for higher speeds. And the modem at the other end of the connection must be better than a V.34 too, of course.

    Line noise will affect the communication speeds of the modems on each end of the connection, so adding a filter only at your end might not help, but it won't hurt. There are several modem speed test Web pages to give an indication of what your current transfer speeds is, which may not be the same as your initial connection speed.
  • binarysoulbinarysoul Member Posts: 993
    The desktop gets 33.6k connection, so I connected my laptop and I'm getting 52k (I'm happy with anything around 50k).

    On desktop and laptop I run XP pro. I've used a different modem on desktop still 33.6k. Is there any setting in XP that caps dialup?

    p.s. Don't take your high-speed for granted :) You never know, one of these days you may be in my position icon_sad.gif
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,078 Admin
    Are you using the same modem to connect both the desktop and laptop? Are you using the same program and configuration to control the modem (e.g., HyperTerminal) on both computers?

    Windows itself cares nothing about modem connect speeds; it has to do with the modem program you use and the hardware (UART) that controls the serial port.
  • phantasmphantasm Member Posts: 995
    binarysoul wrote:
    p.s. Don't take your high-speed for granted :) You never know, one of these days you may be in my position icon_sad.gif

    lol. I remember connecting to local BBS's with my external US Robotics 2400bps modem. Those were the good old days! lol.
    "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." -Heraclitus
  • livenliven Member Posts: 918
    Call your phone company and have them do an


    test on your phone number.

    Do not dispatch them to your house. This will cost you money. But the line test done from the CO will tell if the line has noise to your DMARC and should be free.

    Don't go into detail about your internet connection being slow, they will just tell you to call your ISP.

    If that comes back clean then you may have internal wiring issues.

    Perhaps try a different phone jack and cord. This will sound crazy but perhaps take your machine to a friends house and connect on their phone lines. This will give you a very good indication if your machine or phone line is the issue. Plus it is a lot cheaper than having the phone company come to your house to fix IW issues.

    If you still have issues. Then you might have to get some one to look at your IW.

    I would try to do that last, after making sure you have the best dial up number from your ISP, your dialer settings are 100% correct, your hardward and software is in good shape. Chances are your settings are fine, usually the connection will fail if the settings are off. But still it is worth looking into.
    encrypt the encryption, never mind my brain hurts.
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,078 Admin
    liven wrote:
    test on your phone number.
    binarysoul, are you using the same phone line to test both your desktop and laptop? If so, there's nothing wrong with the phone line because the laptop can connected at the higher speeds on that line.
  • livenliven Member Posts: 918
    JDMurray wrote:
    liven wrote:
    test on your phone number.
    binarysoul, are you using the same phone line to test both your desktop and laptop? If so, there's nothing wrong with the phone line because the laptop can connected at the higher speeds on that line.

    Way to call me out JDMURRAY!!!


    ya my bad I didn't read the first post well enough.

    I was going through the motions that I went through when I work at the ISP back in the day.

    Bummer with dialup is a little latency is REALLY noticeable.
    encrypt the encryption, never mind my brain hurts.
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