
Best cordless phone for home office (possible wifi issues)

livenliven Member Posts: 918
Ok, here is the situation...

My wife is now working from home. Her current employer forwards her office line to a seperate new line they installed (AT&T) in our house.

My wifes home office is in the same room with all my servers and routers and wifi router. NOW, the only really change from when she was working at the corp office till now is two things:

1) New phone line
2) New cordless phone.

The issues:

Intermittent static and bad connections on the new phone line. We are using a motorolla cordless (5.icon_cool.gif.

My question is does anyone know of a brand of phone (cordless) that works really well In a small office that has a lot of machines (computers etc...) in it.

Now there are many variables that could be effecting us, that are largely out of my control.

But I want to eliminate all the things I can before I start talking to the phone company and he place of employment.

Once again I am really looking for a make/model of cordless phone that works well in the above describe situation.

encrypt the encryption, never mind my brain hurts.


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