2511 : connection refused
hi guys/gals
for some reason i keep getting
but I'm able to connect to my FRS w/o a problem
last night after doing all the configs, i test all the connection and they worked fine...all of them
now I can't conect to R1 thru R4, any help wold be great!
for some reason i keep getting
Trying R1 (, 2001)... % Connection refused by remote host
but I'm able to connect to my FRS w/o a problem
ACCESS_SERV# show sessions Conn Host Address Byte Idle Conn Name * 1 FRS 0 4 FRS
last night after doing all the configs, i test all the connection and they worked fine...all of them
now I can't conect to R1 thru R4, any help wold be great!
If you cannot express in a sentence or two what
you intend to get across, then it is not focused
well enough.
—Charles Osgood, TV commentator
you intend to get across, then it is not focused
well enough.
—Charles Osgood, TV commentator
qplayed Member Posts: 303weird!? I did a quick reload on the 2511 and for some reason now i can connect to R1 thru R4 but can't connect to FRS or my on 2924-MIf you cannot express in a sentence or two what
you intend to get across, then it is not focused
well enough.
—Charles Osgood, TV commentator -
cdad2000 Member Posts: 323Enable telnet with a password on the router. You cant telnet into a router that does not have a telnet password.
dtlokee Member Posts: 2,378 ■■■■□□□□□□did you add the command "no exec" to the lnes? If there is line noise on the connection it can cause the term server to spawn an exec session on the line.The only easy day was yesterday!
itdaddy Member Posts: 2,089 ■■■■□□□□□□he doesnt need telnet password on a 2511 using reverse telnet fromthe 2511
how do i now? i have a 2511 with reverse telnet and octal cable and works fine with
no passsword
love my 2511 -
itdaddy Member Posts: 2,089 ■■■■□□□□□□gplayed
makes sure youre reverse telnet config is correct and the sequence numbers used
correspond to the cables that is important you said you are cabling
your new lab there is some correpsondence to the cable #s and sequence numbers used
tonight when i get home i can give you my reverse telnet config on my 2511 and you
can match them with yours and i will give you correpsonding cable numbers
plus you have to make sure each host name corresponds correctly so first you need
to console cable to each device and set the host name first and then when you do your
reverse telnet config it will correspond as long as you match everything up
you will see once i give you my config
robert; been there done what you are experiencing but man will it be worth it!
i will not live with my 2511..and if it died i would pay what i need to get it back!
well worth it! -
qplayed Member Posts: 303Here's my current config
Current configuration : 1563 bytes ! version 12.2 service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log uptime service password-encryption service tcp-small-servers ! hostname "ACCESS_SERV" ! enable secret 5 ! ip subnet-zero no ip domain-lookup ip host FRS 2008 ip host 2924-M 2015 ip host R4 2004 ip host R3 2003 ip host R2 2002 ip host R1 2001 ip host 2950-2 2014 ip host 2950-1 2013 ip host 3550-2 2012 ip host 3550-1 2011 ip host BBR2 2010 ip host BBR1 2009 ip host R7 2007 ip host R6 2006 ip host R5 2005 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! interface Loopback1 ip address ! interface Ethernet0 ip address - - ip access-group 100 in no ip route-cache no ip mroute-cache ! interface Serial0 no ip address no ip route-cache no ip mroute-cache shutdown ! interface Serial1 no ip address no ip route-cache no ip mroute-cache shutdown ! ip default-gateway - ip classless ip route - no ip http server ! access-list 100 permit ip host - any access-list 100 permit ip host - any access-list 100 permit ip host - any ! gatekeeper shutdown ! ! line con 0 password login line 1 16 exec-timeout 0 0 no flush-at-activation no exec transport input all line aux 0 line vty 0 4 exec-timeout 60 0 password - login ! end
If you cannot express in a sentence or two what
you intend to get across, then it is not focused
well enough.
—Charles Osgood, TV commentator -
itdaddy Member Posts: 2,089 ■■■■□□□□□□gplayed
i will look at my config tonight and my cable #s
i remmebr when i first was hooking my 2511 up i had comprehension issues
with the cable #s not corresponding to my sequence numbers on my IP host commands
they do matter! so i will give you my exact config and corresponding cable numbers
it matters!
robert -
itdaddy Member Posts: 2,089 ■■■■□□□□□□gplayed
get rid of you ACLS for you access router
to troublehoot in the raw man just get rid of your ACLS on the interfaces tooo
and work with no ACLS period unplug your eithernet etc just use your
AR 2511 as an access router and once you get the bugs worked out you can add more
bells and whistles. i added and access group ACL for my telnet but that was once
i goot it all working.
toinght i will give my configs and cable numebrs
k! -
bighornsheep Member Posts: 1,506do a "show line" on the 2511, you should see your 16 TTY lines there, if there is a "*" beside it, it means it's in use.
Issue a "clear line <line #>" to disconnect the connection, and try again.
ie. 2001 is your TTY line 1, if there is a "*", meaning it's in use, you won't be able to connect to that device. So to clear it, you issue "clear line 1"
ps. Just noticed you have a exec-timeout 0 0 for line 1 16, you might want to change that to 0 30 or something, otherwise if there is some problems with the TTY connections, you would always have to manually clear the connections.Jack of all trades, master of none -
qplayed Member Posts: 303hrmm config looks good, i had someone look at it....funny thing is
if i boot up the 2511 first i have no connection issues! hah
i can live with thatIf you cannot express in a sentence or two what
you intend to get across, then it is not focused
well enough.
—Charles Osgood, TV commentator -
itdaddy Member Posts: 2,089 ■■■■□□□□□□good for you gplayed....mine doesnt do that; order or boot doesnt do anything for me.
but i do have to wait til the 2511 recognizes the othe routers..but yeah if it works
will not live without my 2511 freaking love it!~ -
Humper Member Posts: 647itdaddy wrote:good for you gplayed....mine doesnt do that; order or boot doesnt do anything for me.
but i do have to wait til the 2511 recognizes the othe routers..but yeah if it works
will not live without my 2511 freaking love it!~
someone get this guy a hotel room for him and his 2511...Now working full time!