Mapped drive gets "Disconnected" after a while

CorySCoryS Member Posts: 208
So some of the pcs under the status of net use always report back "Ok" for these mapped drives, others get "Disconnected" after a while which in turn ends up taking like 15-20 seconds for the drive to be, I guess you could say "re-mapped" . Any ideas out there on how to alleviate this problem? We map these drives via vbscript and this is lauched via their login script line in AD.

For what its worth, we run a mixed environment with Novell fileservers as well.. I should also note that reinstalling the Client for Microsoft Networks seems to have "fixed" the problem for the machines we have tried that on, but I was curious if there was any ideas as this is obviously a step that would take a tremendous amount of time to accomplish.

Thanks for looking!
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  • undomielundomiel Member Posts: 2,818
    I would check and see if the problem PCs aren't having any domain issues. I found one of my PCs at work booting up with disconnected mapped drives and when I investigated group policy wasn't being applied. If I remember correctly I had to adjust the GP network time out before it would apply policies properly which seemed to start up the network properly for the mapped drives. Your situation sounds just a little bit different though so that may not be the answer.
    Jumping on the IT blogging band wagon --
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