
CarletonU vs UOIT

DingdongbubbleDingdongbubble Member Posts: 105 ■■□□□□□□□□
Carleton University and UOIT (University of Ontario Institute of TEchnology) offer A Bachelor of Information Technology degree in networking. How can I judge which one is better and what do you think which one is better? Or at this stage, should I just look at the University environment and things apart from academics?

The links are:


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    bighornsheepbighornsheep Member Posts: 1,506
    The UoIT program sounds amazing and the course schedule does look attractive, but I am not quite sure about how much water the school holds. I think they've only been around for 4 or 5 years, so in terms of brand, Carleton is MUCH more reputable.

    But assuming you're from the GTA, Carleton will mean that you have to live on residence, which practically means that your chance of finding a job while in school will be less likely unless if you can score a campus opportunity. (plus you'll be so tempted to travel to Montreal partying it up every week you won't want to stay and work in Ottawa) HOWEVER, I must warn you about the commute to UoIT, whether you're busing, or driving, that part of town is just gross unless if you can afford the 407....
    Jack of all trades, master of none
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    DingdongbubbleDingdongbubble Member Posts: 105 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Well I will be an international student lol. My cousins go to UOIT (both) and they defend it a lot. They say its easier to stand out over here (if you are a good student) and the environment is muuuch better. They live there so settling down in Can should be easier with them around to help me and to advise me about the Univ itself.

    Can you tell me in more detail about the commute to UOIT?
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    bighornsheepbighornsheep Member Posts: 1,506
    What's your plan after graduation? Do you plan on staying in Canada?

    Type in UoIT, Ontario in google maps and you will see what I mean, the problem with Toronto transportation is that our road system is a giant GRID, well, the only natural thing that can happen with a grid system is GRIDLOCK....plus Durham region isn't exactly home town, there's lots of factories so tons and tons of trucks going everywhere nearby those roads.

    In all honesty, this is not the best platform to be talking about this, 99.9% of the people reading this thread has no idea what I am talking about...if you're more concerned about the environment of the school, your best bet to talking to the admission officers, or their international office.
    Jack of all trades, master of none
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    DingdongbubbleDingdongbubble Member Posts: 105 ■■□□□□□□□□
    hmmm lets see now. Maybe I will go to Canada this summer and then I will be able to see formyself. I mgiht live on campus too. icon_confused.gif

    CAN I continue living in Canada? Do you think it would be good to do so? Like n terms of jobs or soemthing? My dad works in a Swiss company so he said that he would refer me or something and get me a job in Zurich. He thinks I am a genius or soemhting in computers which I am not. icon_lol.gif I might land an entry level job which should be great for the time being.

    But from what I can judge, those IT folk in Zurich are dumb and stupid. A CCNP from Dubai (here) fixed all that was wrong while those folk gave up and said we dont know what to do. icon_eek.gif
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    DingdongbubbleDingdongbubble Member Posts: 105 ■■□□□□□□□□
    uhh can I ask you a small question? Asan international student I am only allowed a part time job. So do you think it would be possible to get a part time entry level IT preferably networking job?
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    HumperHumper Member Posts: 647
    I visited the UoIT school. It is teamed with Durham College. The UoIT campus (as of about 2 years ago) was quite small. The campus is nice.

    The drive is horrible, it is NOT fun getting from the 401 to UoIT. Takes quite a while because of distance and traffic.

    The program is good, I applied for the program as I went to Sheridan College for Telecom. I wanted to transfer credits from Sheridan to UoIT but was denied ALL of them. I also didn't receive my acceptance till the last week of August so I said f*ck it.

    I've graduated from Sheridan College now and working full time. If you are going to live on campus I would definitely give UoIT a chance.
    Now working full time!
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    KasorKasor Member Posts: 934 ■■■■□□□□□□
    You should go for real degree like CS or IT or even CE. Remember every technical or technology you are using go back to the basic computer science concept which you might not able to learn from those networking class.

    Also, IT is not just networking.
    Kill All Suffer T "o" ReBorn
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    HumperHumper Member Posts: 647
    Kasor wrote:
    You should go for real degree like CS or IT or even CE. Remember every technical or technology you are using go back to the basic computer science concept which you might not able to learn from those networking class.

    Also, IT is not just networking.

    The IT program at UoIT covers CS and mathematics.
    Now working full time!
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    DingdongbubbleDingdongbubble Member Posts: 105 ■■□□□□□□□□
    cool thanks for the info. So can you give as many details as possible about these two programs? Through friends or whatever. I cant get any opinions from students through UOIT.
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    HumperHumper Member Posts: 647
    When I was interested in applying to the program the Program Coordinator setup a time that I spoke with a student. You should be able to do the same thing.
    Now working full time!
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    DingdongbubbleDingdongbubble Member Posts: 105 ■■□□□□□□□□
    ^When does that happen? Like what do I ahve to do for that? can I go to Canada this summer and check out all the Univs and stuff and while I am at it, can I do what you did? I will however ahve one more year of high school over here to finish and then I might be off to Univ.
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