unlock cellphone



  • networker050184networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
    Not everyone sends text messages like your example. I actually have never gotten a text message like that before so I guess it just depends on the person you are texting.

    It’s cheaper to send text messages than to call sometimes, so that is a big plus. Its also more confidential than talking out loud if you are in a crowded area. My wife and I send text messages a lot as I don't have to answer the phone when I'm at work and I can still get her message later when I do have time.

    To each their own I guess, but I find texting very convenient.
    An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made.
  • SchluepSchluep Member Posts: 346
    It must came down to the type of phone. I have always used RAZR type phones, typically the smallest one I can find and use a bluetooth with it. Maybe it is a lot easier to send coherent text messages on a full keyboard and the privacy aspect networker mentioned when in a public place makes sense as well. I just don't typically have anyone I need to get a message to so quickly it is worth the frustration of trying to type on my small numpad and hitting the number 7 four times to get an S.

    The one thing I have thought about doing with my phone is syncing the calandar from my PC to the cell phone so I can check my schedule while out without booting up the laptop. Is there any good calandar software for RAZR/KRZR type phones that will sync well with a PC based calandar?
  • cisco_troopercisco_trooper Member Posts: 1,441 ■■■■□□□□□□
    i'll admit the privacy would be nice when at work, etc. i'll admit it would be alot easier with a full keyboard, but where do you keep it? surely you don't just carry one around with you.

    i'll also admit i'm not a big fan of telephones to begin with, so i'm probably a little bias and probably not giving it a fair chance. you can blame this on my sisters abuse of this stupid device all the way through childhood. but like you said, to each his own.
  • networker050184networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
    You can get phones that come with the full keyboard integrated. Here is one for example. You do not have to carry an extra one. It may not be full size, but it has the whole alphabet on separate keys (not three or four letters per key).

    Most modern phones come with an auto type option where you do not have to hit the number 7 four times to get an s. You hit each of the keys one time and the phone figures out what word you are trying to type.
    An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made.
  • undomielundomiel Member Posts: 2,818
    The wife and I used to send txt messages during work since calling was a no-no. It's good for a swift message though definitely not the prefered way of communication. We've since stopped as we are cutting down on phone expenses.
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