Annoying message: uiucu.exe

binarysoulbinarysoul Member Posts: 993
On loading WinXP, my PC stalls for about five minutes and I can't open/run anything. Then it gives this message and the source seems to be uiucu.exe. I searched for the file and it doesn't



  • SieSie Member Posts: 1,195
    I believe its linked to conexant systems, they mostly produce modems / routers etc.

    Have you recently replaced either of these devices?

    Have you run Windows Update recently? There may be a conflict with drivers / updates.

    My suggestion would be to boot into safe mode and and roll back drivers for the modem / router if these have been updated recently.

    If not then remove the device and drivers and reboot and update with the most recent ones from (Is this Vista or XP?)

    Any problems shown in Device Manager?
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