A Beginner - Need Urgent Help

I am a Software Engineer from Bangalore, India. Last 4-5 years i am working on Visual Studio.net, especially last 3 years in Web Applications. I have hands on Experience on Framework 1.0 and 1.1...Currently (last 3mnths) i am moved in to .Net 2.0...
I would like to take some certification on the .net side...So as a beginner in this certified profesionals world, i am confused with the different options available for me...From last few days i am searching in the world of web to find a suitable one for me..Some post in this forum suggest to look for a new generation certificates such as MCTS..or...MCPD...etc...
My Clarification :
I would like to join with the MCTS and the MCPD....
Since i am good in framework 1.1 is it good for me to take the MCAD exams first, then Upgrade MCAD to MCPD by clearing the exam 70-551, this way i can earn MCAD,MCTS and MCPD by claring 3 exams from MCAD (which i hope will be easy for me) then One more Exam.....70-551 ?
Is it good to start with the MCTS (learn 2.0 freshly and clear 2 exams 70-536 and 70-52
then Take up the MCPD by clearing 1 more exams 70-547)...
Can someone please guide and advice me by means of the easiness and is it that tough for me to start Framework 2.0 with fresh....and acquire the MCTS and MCPD with bit of hard work....
Any idea, if i dedicate myself (assume i am fresh on 2.0) how much time (months) will it take for me to grab the MCTS....
I am keenly looking for some sort of certification by end of June 2008.. Please Please Help in this Regards.........
Thanks in Advance.....
(I do hope at least the admin will drop few lines on return)
I am a Software Engineer from Bangalore, India. Last 4-5 years i am working on Visual Studio.net, especially last 3 years in Web Applications. I have hands on Experience on Framework 1.0 and 1.1...Currently (last 3mnths) i am moved in to .Net 2.0...
I would like to take some certification on the .net side...So as a beginner in this certified profesionals world, i am confused with the different options available for me...From last few days i am searching in the world of web to find a suitable one for me..Some post in this forum suggest to look for a new generation certificates such as MCTS..or...MCPD...etc...
My Clarification :
I would like to join with the MCTS and the MCPD....
Since i am good in framework 1.1 is it good for me to take the MCAD exams first, then Upgrade MCAD to MCPD by clearing the exam 70-551, this way i can earn MCAD,MCTS and MCPD by claring 3 exams from MCAD (which i hope will be easy for me) then One more Exam.....70-551 ?
Is it good to start with the MCTS (learn 2.0 freshly and clear 2 exams 70-536 and 70-52

Can someone please guide and advice me by means of the easiness and is it that tough for me to start Framework 2.0 with fresh....and acquire the MCTS and MCPD with bit of hard work....
Any idea, if i dedicate myself (assume i am fresh on 2.0) how much time (months) will it take for me to grab the MCTS....
I am keenly looking for some sort of certification by end of June 2008.. Please Please Help in this Regards.........
Thanks in Advance.....
(I do hope at least the admin will drop few lines on return)
dynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
While this isn't one of my stronger areas, I'll chime in since no one else has.
I wouldn't put a lot of time into 1.0/1.1. I believe 2.0 is pretty much the standard nowadays, and the .net 3.5 exams area already in beta. I think the best route for you to take would be MCTS and then MCPD.