Title Bar color changing?

Ricka182Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
Does anyone know how to change the title bar color in Office 2007? By default it is a very light blue when in focus, and when out of focus it is a very light gray. One of my users complains it is too hard to see which window is in focus when he has multiple windows open.....he wants to do this without it affecting anything else in XP....
i remain, he who remains to be....


  • hettyhetty Member Posts: 394
    I would normally tell a user to STFU and get back to work about something like this (joke!) but Ive noticed that too. There is a very slight difference between the active light blue used and the inactive light grey used which makes it a little difficiult to see which window is actually active.

    You can go to the Office button then to Word Options and then to the Popular tab and choose another colour scheme. Silver is worse but Black does show a big difference between active black & inactive grey. Other than that I don't know. Maybe you could change the inactive colour in the registry or something.
  • Ricka182Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
    I'd like to say STFU, but this guy is one of top engineers at my company. He usually gets what he wants...unless it's something we can't control like this......oh well, he can go wah!...
    i remain, he who remains to be....
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