How did you prepare for JNCIA-ER cert exam?
If you have passed the JNCIA-ER exam, what did you use to study? The options appear to be
the downloadable student guide to the instructor led course, the downloadable lab guide to the instructor led course and the Sybex book from 2003. I have failed in my first attempt at the exam and felt like the student guide was not that much help in studying--not much of it was on the test. Thanks in advance.
the downloadable student guide to the instructor led course, the downloadable lab guide to the instructor led course and the Sybex book from 2003. I have failed in my first attempt at the exam and felt like the student guide was not that much help in studying--not much of it was on the test. Thanks in advance.
rfult001 Member Posts: 407
Your only options seem to be what you mention, the documentation on the juniper site, taking their courses, or playing with the routers. I can't find sh*t anywhere on this exam. -
whit80 Member Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
Yeah, too bad the Sybex book is so out of date. There are all kinds of resources to study for the Cisco tests, but none for Juniper. -
wpj Member Posts: 19 ■□□□□□□□□□
I am using what you have in your hands now plus actual use in the lab, similar to the firewall exams if you don't use them you will have a hard time to just book these....
I also have access to the juniper labs online which is a great help....