Roaming profiles on Windows Domain Controller

I am trying to set up roaming profiles and a home
dirrectory on my Windows 2000 Advanced Server domain
controller. When I logon with one of the client
machines running Windows 2000 Professional it logs on
fine. When I logof of the client, I get an error
message saying that it can't save my profile on the
server because access is denied. I am also trying to
set up a home dirrectory on the server for each user.
The clients see the home dirrectory from the server but
can't make changes but only read the files in the
dirrectory. What permissions do I need to set for both
of theis dirrectories? What users need to be able to
access these dirrectories?
dirrectory on my Windows 2000 Advanced Server domain
controller. When I logon with one of the client
machines running Windows 2000 Professional it logs on
fine. When I logof of the client, I get an error
message saying that it can't save my profile on the
server because access is denied. I am also trying to
set up a home dirrectory on the server for each user.
The clients see the home dirrectory from the server but
can't make changes but only read the files in the
dirrectory. What permissions do I need to set for both
of theis dirrectories? What users need to be able to
access these dirrectories?
farklem Member Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
I have tried giving those folders every permission. I even gave the folders the Everyone user full access and it still says Access denied when I login and off. -
RussS Member Posts: 2,068 ■■■□□□□□□□
Hey dood
It is after midnight here and my brain is all fuzzy. I will have to think on this one, but remember - 1 deny will over-ride all yes's.
I would think that it could have to do with share permissions though. Also as a side answer, after I updated my zonealarm it stopped me connecting to other machines on my network.
I will take a look at a couple scenarios in class
FIM website of the year 2007 -
farklem Member Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
Ok, So I created a roaming profile on my domain controller running Windows 2000 Advanced Server. I created a shared folder that can be accessed by the administrator and the user. When the user loggs in the first time, he is able to log off and the profile is saved on the server. When the user tries to log back on, he gets an error saying that access is denied to the files in the profile. I don't understand what is going on! Each client machine is running Windows 2000 Professional.
This is an update to what I have found.
If I delete the file username.bak on the client computer I can login with the romaing profile just fine. Somehow the file that is stored on the client machine is the problem. Anyone know anything about this? This is so strange!