Trojan! Help!



  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    This demonstrates the importance of going through the motions while you do your studies. This situation wasn't a big deal because it happened at home, but what if it happened on the job or during a technical interview? That'd be quite an embarrassing situation to be in.

    Ed makes a valid point though. These certs lose value when the people with them cannot perform basic tasks. I don't think we should be expected to remember every obscure fact we've ever come across, but the inability to perform rudimentary tasks is troublesome. Transferring files with the FAST wizard or USMT tools, formatting, reinstalling, and transferring the files and settings back are basic tasks that everyone should know how to do.

    I'm not ripping you on RS; I'm just speaking generally. If you have trouble with any of the other procedures you've learned, go back and lab them up, and keep doing that for any future certifications your pursue. Your certifications won't do you any good if you end up being unable to handle the responsibilities that come with them.
  • MishraMishra Member Posts: 2,468 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Some just can study for certifications and pass exams but freak out when a real issue pops up. It is just in some peoples personalities. There are more down to earth skills that you need to learn.

    I think the real skill that needs to be learned here is how to stop, think, analyze the situation, brain storm, pick the best solution, implement, and finalize. I think the OP just had a situation where he wasn't familiar so he didn't take the time to really analyze the situation before asking for help. There are also times where people that once they ask for help they stop thinking about the solution on their own. As I believe RS has done here.

    RS, I would suggest you try to create the puzzle using the puzzle pieces before you think about asking a question. At the point of Royal's post you should analyze what Royal was really trying to suggest and what the best plan of action is.
    My blog

    You may learn something!
  • RS_MCPRS_MCP Member Posts: 352
    As you probably already know from the IT Jobs/Degrees forum.

    I started this job on wednesday! I have learnt and implemented my skills so well to this new role. My manager placed me straight into the deep end by learning and working with Cisco systems (ADSL Migration) Cabling, Routing & Switching in the Comms Room. I have also undertaken many network troubleshooting tasks! I have provided assitance to the Software Engineering Team, Network Team & IT Support Team...alongside the Head of IT.

    Much Much more to tell...

    I only have 2 certifcations but have learnt so much in 3 days in my first ever IT role.

    As I am working with IT Professionals from different backgrounds within IT, Learning is much easier... :)
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