server crash

SpEkTrESpEkTrE Member Posts: 20 ■□□□□□□□□□
Can anyone guide me to a link on the basic steps to take when a server crashes?



  • mikiemovmikiemov Member Posts: 182
    Erm..switch it back on ?Joking...

    Depends on the problem etc but if you can get the server back up and running, check out the event viewer to hopefully help you identify the problem.

    Try to find out any error codes etc and identify problems from them etc.

    Good luck
    A woman drove me to drink, and I didnt have the decency to thank her.
  • SpEkTrESpEkTrE Member Posts: 20 ■□□□□□□□□□
    lol, Yes I realize that. I'm not in need of help because of a current situation. Iwas just wondering for my own knowledge
    IRQ U!
  • janmikejanmike Member Posts: 3,076
    Try this one to start with!

    If you want to go deeper, study some Server+ study guides. Server+ has been called "advanced A+" by some. It is advanced hardware for sure.

    You are actually into the area of disaster recovery. When you get a job where you're responsible for server monitoring, maintenance, and/or repair, be sure and find and read the official disaster recovery plan.

    Hope this answers you question, or at least gets you started.

    Best of luck!
    "It doesn't matter, it's in the past!"--Rafiki
  • SpEkTrESpEkTrE Member Posts: 20 ■□□□□□□□□□
    thanks janmike, that link will do
    IRQ U!
  • Orion82698Orion82698 Member Posts: 483
    1st.....Pray last nights backup worked, if not, pray you're resume is up to date.

    I have found that most companies, don't like it when a server goes down (Like which company would like it) , but don't mind, as long as the backup is recent, and good. Like in the posts above, check the event viewer when it finally does come back up. But I can't stress enough the importance of the will see one day.
    WIP Vacation ;-)

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