Passed 220.

pmannpmann Member Posts: 79 ■■□□□□□□□□
Passed 220 today with a massive 730, versus the pass of 675 icon_confused.gif . Not exactly great, but at least I finally completed my MCSE icon_bounce.gif

So for anyone doing certs and concerned about whether it can be done in later life and despite advancing years, senior moments etc I am the proof, it can be done! Im almost 30 incidentally (in hexadecimal).

I might have just enough gas left in the tank to do 214, but not soon. After taking 9 certs and doing 14 exams (passing 10) in the last 7 months, Im just about dead from studying. MCSE-Security would look good on my headstone though...


  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Congratulations on a job well done!
  • pandimuspandimus Member Posts: 651
    I am in the same hole as you with all the studying and what not.. I wanna get my CCNA done and then take it easy for ahwhile.. Well we will see. If i get a new job, i might be rejuvinated.
    Xinxing is the hairy one.
  • bsharpe90bsharpe90 Member Posts: 38 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Was the 70-220 hard?
  • pmannpmann Member Posts: 79 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I didnt find it that difficult, but it was a long exam and quite hard to concentrate. You get four case studies in four hours, with some multiple choice questions on the solution and some drag and drop questions (where you have to 'draw' the solutions). The four scenarios were completely different so nothing from one was carried into the next.

    Theres enough information in the case studies to work out whats needed, its more the organizing of the information that needs the brain power. I took mine as one of the last exams that I did, so everything Id done before was still reasonably fresh in my mind at that time. I used the MS 220 Guide which was moderately useful. I passed but could have done better in this cert, so maybe work from at least two books if your going to do it.

    I found the 214 exam much more difficult and I needed two shots at that one. icon_confused.gif
  • bsharpe90bsharpe90 Member Posts: 38 ■■□□□□□□□□
    What are the scenarios? Are those only specific to certain exams?
  • pmannpmann Member Posts: 79 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Theyre case studies. For example, you get a description of a company, its network requirements, the available hardware, software etc. From that you have to work out how to meet those requirements, what connectivity, which authentication schemes, certificate services, encryption level, protocols etc.

    The questions then cover the suitability of various solutions with a few drag and drops, some of which ask for the network to be drawn. Each case study has no influence on the next, so you can move onto the next without completing the previous if you get stuck.

    I didnt find it that difficult, but trying to think for 4 hours without a break was pretty tough. Plus the invigilator gave me the usual laminated scratch pad but with a big fat board marker pen. The smell of that thing made me feel high, which didnt help, or maybe it did...
  • mobri09mobri09 Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 723
    Excellent Job! :)
  • bsharpe90bsharpe90 Member Posts: 38 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Do I have to have 70-214 to get the MCSA-Sec, I already have 70-210,70-215,70-218, and sec+?
  • pmannpmann Member Posts: 79 ■■□□□□□□□□
    You would need to do 214.

    For MCSE:Sec you need 210 (or 270), 215, 216, 217, 214, 220, 227 (or Security+).

    For MCSA:Sec you need 210 (or 270), 215, 218, 214, 227 (or Security+).
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