Unable to query DNS



  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    FQDN: w2k3en32-s03.soggyrice.local
    IP Address: (Static)
    NSlookup Result:
    *** Can't find server name for address Non-existent domain
    Default Server: Unknown
  • astorrsastorrs Member Posts: 3,139 ■■■■■■□□□□
    Okay now from the nslookup prompt enter "w2k3en32-s03.soggyrice.local" and post the output.
  • AhriakinAhriakin Member Posts: 1,799 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Do you have a Reverse Lookup Zone? You will need it to resolve IPs to Names (Forward is only for Names to IPs).
    We responded to the Year 2000 issue with "Y2K" solutions...isn't this the kind of thinking that got us into trouble in the first place?
  • GJBGJB Member Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Can't Find Server Name when Starting Nslookup.exe
    When starting the Nslookup.exe utility, the following error may occur:

    *** Can't find server name for address w.x.y.z: Non-existent domain

    This error occurs when there is no PTR record for the name server's IP address. When Nslookup.exe starts, it does a reverse lookup to get the name of the default server. If no PTR data exists, this error message is returned. To correct make sure that a reverse lookup zone exists and contains PTR records for the name servers.

    from http://support.microsoft.com/kb/200525/en-us

    Sounds like you need a Reverse Zone set up with a PTR record for your DNS/DC
  • astorrsastorrs Member Posts: 3,139 ■■■■■■□□□□
    Exactly where I was going with it, but I wanted to confirm forward lookups were working as well (although you would assume they would be given the fact everything else on the network is - the last thing this thread needed was any more assumptions :)).
  • blargoeblargoe Member Posts: 4,174 ■■■■■■■■■□

    DNS is working, to avoid that one error in nslookup you have to have reverse lookup zone defined. If you were to continue with your nslookup query, it would work fine.
    IT guy since 12/00

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  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Thank you for the reply, specially you Astorrs :P Reverse Forward Lookup Zone is configured, I am aware that when DCPROMO is executed and DNS is selected to be configured automatically Reverse Forward Lookup Zone is not configured by automatically, so I always make sure that I configure this, like I mentioned A/PTR record successfuly gets updated, this includes NS record for the DNS server.
  • blargoeblargoe Member Posts: 4,174 ■■■■■■■■■□
    So there is a PTR record Reverse DNS for I can't think of another reason why you'd get that error when you start nslookup.
    IT guy since 12/00

    Recent: 11/2019 - RHCSA (RHEL 7); 2/2019 - Updated VCP to 6.5 (just a few days before VMware discontinued the re-cert policy...)
    Working on: RHCE/Ansible
    Future: Probably continued Red Hat Immersion, Possibly VCAP Design, or maybe a completely different path. Depends on job demands...
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    blargoe wrote:
    So there is a PTR record Reverse DNS for I can't think of another reason why you'd get that error when you start nslookup.

    Yes, I will try to modify the host file and include netbios for DNS server... see if this works... I will also play around TCP/IP Advanced Configuration > DNS...
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    OWA works on this problematic box...


    Means I am able to use AD accounts that has exchange mailbox... I am sure there is tons of DNS queries back and forth going on with my server except nslookup...
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    jbaello wrote:
    astorrs wrote:
    I am thinking that Microsoft might need to propagate some information over before this thing can work again, then eventually it would work. I can be wrong, but since "everything" else is working except "nslookup" like I have posted I might say it's a M$ bug.

    This thing is working at 1st I modified the host file and added an entry there, but after I deleted the entry to it's original state, it still works so basically I did not do antyhing, I think it's a propagation/update issue that did not working properly...
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