Laptop Suggestions...what OS?

brad-brad- Member Posts: 1,218
So im finally going to get a new laptop.

I think I've settled on an HP dv6700z.

As far as the configuration of it goes, I want a mid-range processor, 4GB ram, a video card....but I just dont know what OS to go with.

Normally, I would just go with XP Pro...but in this case I need to get a version of Vista, so as to begin preparation for some certifications.

At home, I have a router, desktop, and laptop already.

Is Ultimate the equivalent of XP Pro? Does the home version still have all the networking and filesharing options etc?

Basically, I know Vista is going to suck...but I need to be able to support it one day, so i have to get to know it somehow. Do you guys have a suggestion on which of the flavors of Vista would be best...or even another laptop model suggestion I would listen to. The only other thing I found close in price was a dell latitude.


  • astorrsastorrs Member Posts: 3,139 ■■■■■■□□□□
    A combination of Home Premium and Business is the closest to XP Professional. If you don't need to join a domain, run IIS, etc go with Home Premium. If you do want those features and can live without Media Center and other consumer features, go with Business. If you like wasting money go with Ultimate.


    <my_opinion>Oh, and there is nothing wrong with Vista especially on a modern laptop like that.</my_opinion>
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    I have Vista on a few desktops and laptops that I regularly use, and it doesn't suck on any of them.

    I like wasting money, I mean, having all the features accessible, so I went with Ultimate.

    Also, check out for great laptops.
  • rfult001rfult001 Member Posts: 407
    If you are planning on using this for studying for the MCTS, go with Vista Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise. Ultimate may be your best bet, as it has everything.
  • TalicTalic Member Posts: 423
    I'm running Business that I got from my school and handles my media just fine.

    As for Vista sucking, I highly disagree, Vista is better then XP after you get used to it. The search function is very helpful and the Game Explorer is great to keep your games in one place. The Control panel layout is a lot better ten the classic XP layout which I found myself spending 4x the amount of time to find something compared to the better layout on Vista.

    x64 is the only way to go also, the drivers are rock solid compared to the 32 bit ones (I have the 32 bit version on my laptop and explorer crashes at times but thats rare and it doesn't need a restart when it does)
  • ULWizULWiz Member Posts: 722
    If you taking a long time to find something in control panel maybe you should pick up a book to help you along.
    CompTIA A+ Nov 25, 1997
    CompTIA Network+ March 7, 2008
    MCTS Vista 620 June 14, 2008
    MCP Server 290 Nov 15, 2008
    MCP Server 291 In Progress (Exam 12/28/09)
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  • TalicTalic Member Posts: 423
    ULWiz wrote:
    If you taking a long time to find something in control panel maybe you should pick up a book to help you along.


    I just so happen to prefer things to be sorted by categories rather then be jumbled up in a mess. I'm sure some people know to go straight for something but if your not a 100% sure where it is, then it can be a pain to find. Its just a generalization though, so it can depend what you're after.

    I'm sure theres always people that would stand behind XP no matter what so I understand the hostility.

    btw Linux > both Vista and XP icon_cool.gif
    No menus to mess around with, just have to know the commands icon_wink.gif
  • SmokeHSmokeH Member Posts: 8 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Talic wrote:
    ULWiz wrote:
    btw Linux > both Vista and XP icon_cool.gif
    No menus to mess around with, just have to know the commands icon_wink.gif

    So what is a command for left mouse click? icon_wink.gif
    Reading MS pRESS, dooing AD staff material...

    Goooooing for MCSA-MCSE 2003
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    SmokeH wrote:
    ULWiz wrote:
    btw Linux > both Vista and XP icon_cool.gif
    No menus to mess around with, just have to know the commands icon_wink.gif

    So what is a command for left mouse click? icon_wink.gif


    That's funny Talic. I hate the category view. I always use the classic view. The nicest thing about the Vista Control Panel is the search bar (i.e. just enter 'pow' for power settings, it doesn't matter which view you're in).

    Interesting piece of trivia: You have to use the classic view in order to right-click and do a run as.
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