Wii . . FAT?

pwjohnstonpwjohnston Member Posts: 441
When no one else wants to be your friend you always have video games . . . . . . . .

Wii Fit tells 10-year-old she's fat


Oh wait, nevermind.


  • gojericho0gojericho0 Member Posts: 1,059 ■■■□□□□□□□
    at least it didn't tell her she has an eating disorder
  • astorrsastorrs Member Posts: 3,139 ■■■■■■□□□□
    Yeah lets hope version 2.0 doesn't start offering up solutions to the assumed obesity problem... "the next time you feel like eating a second helping at dinner remember the rule... binge then purge".

  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    BMI is a horrible way to gauge someone's weight. All it does is take height and weight into account. You could have two people that have the same height and the same weight, and their BMI would be identical. For example, one person could have a small frame and be a great deal overweight, and the other could have a broad frame and be extremely muscular, and yet, they would appear to be in identical shape (on paper). Body fat percentage is a much more reliable measure.

    However, people need to get a grip and not throw a fit because a video game said they were fat. Either you're not fat and it shouldn't bother you, or you are fat and you should go outside more. A video game shouldn't have any influence over you.
  • seuss_ssuesseuss_ssues Member Posts: 629
    I can sympathize with the young girl solely based on her age, but her parents need to get a grip. If you have so much free time that you are willing to start a dispute over an entertainment device possibly falsely reporting your daughters BMI then you have enough free time to actually change something in someones life that may actually better the world.

    That or they are somehow looking for a payout from nintendo. Either way im against them.
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