
Cannot ping from Router to PC, pls help

danlai2004danlai2004 Member Posts: 21 ■□□□□□□□□□
Dear List,
i am a beginner of CCNA, and today is my 1st lesson that i have been studying in it, i was trying to do a " copy flash tftp" , from my router to my PC, but found failed, below is the details.

RouterA IP address:
My PC :

what i find is.
1. my router can't ping my PC, it failed, i am sure the port is already no shut
2. but my PC could ping my router with out any problem.

3. i have also used another Router B to connected to Router A, and they could ping each
other successfully .

Can any one tell me why that my router cant ping my PC ? but the other way around works ?
i would like to try to back up my IOS to my TFTP server.

Thanks alot in helping this beginner's problem.



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