Cisco Unified Personal Communicator - Line Presence

LOkrasaLOkrasa Member Posts: 343 ■■■□□□□□□□
Outside of just the green (available), yellow (idle), red (away) indicators in the CUPC program, can you somehow get a presence status on the line to display via the CUPC program? Sort of like what you can do with the speed dials. For Example - If someone picks up the phone to make a call, the status changes to "off-hook" and reflects that change for that contact on the CUPC client. I know that this can be done on the speed/fast dials/personal directory on the phone itself without even having a Presence server but how can it be done on the CUPC client.


  • DaPunnisherDaPunnisher Member Posts: 108
    On CUCM what you are reffering to is the BLF - Busy Lamp Field, where a line button is configured to be monitored and the button can act as a speed dial.

    I know you can turn on/off Do Not Disturb for Presence in the CUCM system parameters, but not sure if you can program the BLF functionality in CUPC?

    I know that you can view line state in the Attandant Console Directory. If the functionality you are looking for is for a handful of end users, I suggest going the Attendant Console route.
  • LOkrasaLOkrasa Member Posts: 343 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Hmm... Thanks nonetheless! I will definitely keep toying around with it and post my results either way.
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