Citrix monies

MishraMishra Member Posts: 2,468 ■■■■□□□□□□
We have about 24K to spend for Citrix only and don't know what to get. We can only buy software and only buy things related to the Citrix environment.

We already have Citrix Enterprise so it's a pretty high end version. Anyone know any good add-ons or things we could buy to help administer the environment?

It's not big only about 12 published applications.
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  • astorrsastorrs Member Posts: 3,139 ■■■■■■□□□□
    lol, money approved but no specifics, wish I had that these days.

    Tell me more about your environment... What are the challenges? (printing, profiles, etc). What version are you running and on what o/s (are they all 32-bit)?
  • Daniel333Daniel333 Member Posts: 2,077 ■■■■■■□□□□
    Wow. And I can't get approved for $30 for a flash drive.
  • MishraMishra Member Posts: 2,468 ■■■■□□□□□□
    astorrs wrote:
    lol, money approved but no specifics, wish I had that these days.

    Tell me more about your environment... What are the challenges? (printing, profiles, etc). What version are you running and on what o/s (are they all 32-bit)?

    I really don't have many problems with it and it is quite simple. 12 published applications with about 100 rotating users. About the only problems we have are trying to work Citrix with our custom applications.

    It has to specificly be directly associated with Citrix so it can't be a 64 bit OS or anything. But we have 2003 enterprise edition on our Citrix servers.
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  • MishraMishra Member Posts: 2,468 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Daniel333 wrote:
    Wow. And I can't get approved for $30 for a flash drive.

    haha yeah the problem here is that we can't switch the money off to a hardware budget or anything... You either use it or lose it and if you don't use it that always means you aren't getting as much next year.
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  • astorrsastorrs Member Posts: 3,139 ■■■■■■□□□□
    Are all the users local to the facility? Are all your applications published over Citrix, or just a select few? Do you have a remote access solution for mobile users? (sorry for the 20 questions)
  • MishraMishra Member Posts: 2,468 ■■■■□□□□□□
    astorrs wrote:
    Are all the users local to the facility? Are all your applications published over Citrix, or just a select few? Do you have a remote access solution for mobile users? (sorry for the 20 questions)

    Most local to the facility. We have multiple buildings but it's all in one campus. All other out of state users only use Citrix for developing purposes.

    Most of the applications for the branch I support are published in Citrix. We have others but they are very propriatary and would be no use on Citrix.

    Mobile users use VPN to access the Citrix environment.
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