Potential Disaster

DaikosDaikos Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
So I'm in a bit of a pickle and would appreciate any help that could be provided. I'm running Windows Vista Business 64bit on my laptop which contains a lot of necessary information for my job. I had enabled the setting to lock out a user if they have X amount of incorrect log in attempts. My laptop also has facial recognition login / finger print log in.

This morning I arrive at work and go to log in (being lazy) using the finger print login. It screws up a few times and I don't even think about it (not enough coffee in me at that point). Then the facial recongition picks me up and tries to log in and I get a message saying that my accoutn has been locked out. Uh oh. No big deal though I figure, I'll log in on another admin account that I have. Wait? It's locked as well? It appears that all of my accounts have been suspended since the finger swipe tries all the accounts.

To top it all off I don't have the administrator accoutn enabled so I can't login using that to unlock myself. And I need files urgently for a meeting today.

So... any advice?

Could I use a boot disk to unlock myself?
An offline registry editor?

Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated.


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