Noise Cancelling ipod earphones

malcyboodmalcybood Member Posts: 900 ■■■□□□□□□□
Looking for recommendations on some noise cancelling earphones for my 30GB iPod.

Not really looked into it too much other than a couple of review sites and considering Bose "on ear" or "over ear" headset

Can anybody recommend? I'm looking to spend a max 120GBP. I'll be using them for weekly commuting so want a really good set and open to suggestions.


  • tierstentiersten Member Posts: 4,505
    I've got a set of Sony MDR-NC22 in ear ones. They're about £50. Sound quality is pretty good although the noise cancellation does add a bit of hiss but if you're in a noise environment that needs it turned on then you probably won't notice.

    A coworker swears by the Bose QuietComfort 3 over ear ones but they're significantly more expensive at around £275 or so.
  • cbigbrickcbigbrick Member Posts: 284
    I have these

    Seem to work good. Everyone has to tap me on the shoulder when I'm tuned in.
    And in conclusion your point was.....???

    Don't get so's just ones and zeros.
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    I would link to my blog, but I'm going to tear it down and start from scratch, so the link probably won't be valid in the future. If you want to go with one of the cheaper options, that's your call. Just don't fork over the money for the Bose because you will more than likely never be able to tell a difference, and these are much more affordable.
    I wrote:
    I have a difficult time concentrating with most types of background noise. Other coffee shop patrons, upstairs neighbors, and in-laws (by far the worst) are my most frequent causes of irritation. I finally broke down and decided to find a quality solution. I had been using ear plugs, but they must constantly be replaced and are rather uncomfortable. Heavy-duty ear muffs from Home Depot didn’t really appeal to me. I finally broke down and picked up a decent pair of noise canceling headphones.

    I was a bit skeptical as to how well they would work since they feature an active noise canceling device, and I wasn’t familiar with that technology in the least. I had an idea how they would work, but I really wasn’t sure how effective they would actually be. After reading many good reviews, I decided to go with the Audio-Technica ATH-ANC7. They were relatively affordable and appeared to be better than the significantly more expensive Bose products.

    After having them for only a day, I am absolutely in love. They run off a single AAA battery, which lasts for about 40 hours. I was absolutely astounded at much noise they blocked when activated. They are by no means capable of blocking all noise, but that’s fine with me. I’m just trying to take out background chatter, not work peacefully next to a jackhammer. It’d probably be a good idea to keep abreast of any emergencies in my immediate vicinity as well. The cable is also easily detached, and you can use use the noise canceling feature by itself.

    I’m not an audiophile, but these are the best sounding headphones I’ve ever had (or that cost more than $12). If you’re looking for good quality sound and noise canceling functionality for a reasonable price, I highly recommend these. This definitely ranks up there with my top study aids, right along with those 24-packs of RedBull from Costco.
  • HeroPsychoHeroPsycho Inactive Imported Users Posts: 1,940
    There are plenty of good NC headphones out there. Absolutely don't recommend Bose at all. Overpriced.

    Look at Sennheiser and Sony. You can get good sounding ones from them for less money.
    Good luck to all!
  • KGhaleonKGhaleon Member Posts: 1,346 ■■■■□□□□□□
    TC, stop trying to **** the game.
    Present goals: MCAS, MCSA, 70-680
  • malcyboodmalcybood Member Posts: 900 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Well I know some people are opposed to the Bose headphones due to price but all I can say is Bose Quiet Comfort 3 = Incredible!

    I was at the Bose shop at the weekend and they had some IPods setup with Quiet comfort 2's and 3's and I've got to say, once you hear the quiet comfort 3's in action you will never want another set of NC headphones than these. (I bought QC3 by the way)

    The clarity is also unbelieveable! I commute 2.5 hours each way at the weekends on the train and these are a god send. screaming kids, train announcements, drunken groups of guys drinking at 9am on their way to London for the weekend - all drowned out.

    I can sit there with my book listening to my tunes without a care in the world.

    All this does not come cheap though, at £275! I looked at other models and tried a few in shops including the pxc 250, Sony NC60 and JVC HA-NC80 which are all good but I decided to go with the QC3's

    I wasn't going to spend this much but have been putting some £££ aside each month for the last few months specifically for some NC headphones which helped, but the way I look at it is these will hopefully last for years and yeah, £275 is alot of money but in relative terms it's the equivelant to going out for 5 nights drinking in town or eating out 5 times a month with my girlfrirend etc etc (she thought I was ridiculous buying these by the way LOL) - women just don't understand!

    No regrets and if you've got the money and desire then I'd highly recommend!
  • mamonomamono Member Posts: 776 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I picked up a set of Logitech Noise Canceling headphones that are over-ear. I absolutely love them! Paid $50 back in Dec. 2007 right before my trip to Japan. I couldn't justify buying Boss, too expensive and some of the rating were mixed as if the reviewers were paid-off in some way. Comfortable and they cancel out noise very well. I slept to and from Japan, many hours of undisturbed sleep. Plus, the audio quality is pretty good. I used it on business trips to San Jose while watching podcasts and movies on the ipod. It works very well. Great value for the price I paid.
  • ClaymooreClaymoore Member Posts: 1,637
    I have had a set of Ultimate Ears SuperFi Pro for 2.5 years now and I love them. They have a -26 db passive noise cancelling ability - as opposed the the Bose active noise cancelling system that generates white noise to cover up external sound - so they work a lot like earplugs. In fact, they come with foam tips that seal in your ear like earplugs and those work great for blocking out crying babies on airplanes. I prefer the normal rubber tips for everyday use and they block out so much noise that it doesn't bother me to spend a few hours in our co-location facility even with all the industrial AC fans blowing.

    One of the reasons I got the SuperFi Pro set was because they come with an attenuator that clamps down on the volume when you don't have control. When I am plugged in to the in-flight entertainment on a plane, I have the volume turned way down because my earbuds block out the noise of the plane. However, the announcements from the captain are at a set volume level and that level would really hurt without the attenuator.

    Get the best noise cancelling headphones you can afford and protect your hearing. With these earbuds I barely have to turn up the volume on my iPod as opposed to cranking up the volume to drown out outside noise. If you are going to listen to music for extended periods of time - in a loud environment or not - try to listen at the lowest volume level possible.
  • IncInc Member Posts: 184
    +1 for Sennheiser

    Haven't used NC ones, but their other products are really good.
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