Any good 70-647 learning videos out there (yet) ?

dynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
I wouldn't hold my breath. Looks like 640, 642, and 643 are coming out Q4 2008, Q1 2009, and Q2 2009, respectively. 647 is probably after that. -
preecy Member Posts: 66 ■■□□□□□□□□
I cant get my head around this... roughly 4 months since w2k8 rc1 was released and theres still no 2008 cbt material out (with exception to Trainsignals w2k8 intro). If i were in the business of developing cbt material i would be fighting to get this out ASAP, there must be loads of people out there taking 2008 exams or upgrade exams. The first company to get anything out stands to make some serious money i should think! I understand theres no point creating material using beta versions of 2008 but you'd think they could use it to get their development on the way. Also most of the criteria for 2008 exams have been out for ages now.
Never mind i suppose i saved myself a small fortune by buying the syngress books instead of costly up SharePoint... what's that all about! -
jibbajabba Member Posts: 4,317 ■■■■■■■■□□
preecy wrote:I cant get my head around this... roughly 4 months since w2k8 rc1 was released and theres still no 2008 cbt material out (with exception to Trainsignals w2k8 intro). If i were in the business of developing cbt material i would be fighting to get this out ASAP, there must be loads of people out there taking 2008 exams or upgrade exams. The first company to get anything out stands to make some serious money i should think! I understand theres no point creating material using beta versions of 2008 but you'd think they could use it to get their development on the way. Also most of the criteria for 2008 exams have been out for ages now.
Never mind i suppose i saved myself a small fortune by buying the syngress books instead of costly cbts.
Same here on both ... I don't get it and I prefer the Syngress books ...
I mean check this out :
Thats over 37k 2008 MCTS' out there ... over 37k ...
And still no CBTs in sight .. Even worse - 70-647 is expected in 2009 (according to an email from them)My own knowledge base made public: -
dynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
CBTs take a long time to produce. I don't think you guys realize the amount of work that goes into it. It's especially difficult when they're for new products since the documentation is just starting to roll out and mature. Unless you'd rather them rush something out based on the beta products...