unsatisfied with exercise results, help needed

binarysoulbinarysoul Member Posts: 993
Exactly four months ago, I firmly started to go to gym lifting weights 6 days a week and I've been able to do that at 90% success. But I'm not happy with results. I wanted to build some muscle and put a bit of 'healthy' weight as I'm a bit slim. I eat well and healthy and yet no difference. It seems I never excercised.

One problem maybe that as my doc told me I have a fast metabolism which doesn't allow me to build muscle. But I could be wrong on that. I'm acutally a bit disappointed and need some advice icon_sad.gif


  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Have you been following this thread at all: http://www.techexams.net/forums/viewtopic.php?p=241192#241192

    Hop on the 5x5 bandwagon icon_cool.gif

    You don't need to do the anabolic diet (but may wish to do so), but he still recommends 1g protein per pound of body weight and weight in pounds * 18 for total calories daily. He has a lot of nutritional information on stronglifts.com so I'd encourage you to check it out. Sounds like you need to eat more!
  • TechJunkyTechJunky Member Posts: 881
    Start eating more... and more protein. Make sure that doesnt mean more fat. 60% protein, 40% carbs. I use www.fitday.com

    When I go through my weight gaining cycle I eat around 3k calories a day. You will gain a little fat while doing this, but thats really the only true way to get thick. Then you need to do a cycle of cutting to get lean again.

    So build mass, then cut the mass down, build mass,cut the mass down... Never ending cycle.
  • GT-RobGT-Rob Member Posts: 1,090
    fitday.com is awesome. I use it whenever I am training for a race.

    Frozen berries, milk, and protien powder in a blender. Repeat. ;)
  • TechJunkyTechJunky Member Posts: 881
    I usually tend to stick to a few egg whites and 1 egg for breakfast. Microwave is your friend. =)

    Fitday.com does rock. I am by no means an expert and I have found that different people require different food. Just eat more, plain and simple though.

    I am down to about 1500 calories daily for my cutting, I weigh 210 too. So I hope your eating atleast 2500+ calories daily if your looking to bulk.
  • snadamsnadam Member Posts: 2,234 ■■■■□□□□□□
    6 days a week is a bit much; your muscles have little time to recover. Try a 4-5 day workout regiment.
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  • Darthn3ssDarthn3ss Member Posts: 1,096
    Fantastic. The project manager is inspired.

    In Progress: 70-640, 70-685
  • learningtofly22learningtofly22 Member Posts: 159
    Eat, eat, eat! As an ex-"slimmie", that's all I can say to you.... I'm guessing you're probably young, so your metabolism is running like crazy. Stay away from cardio if you're looking to bulk up, eat a LOT (as healthily as possible, of course), and lift weights in amounts to where you can only do 6-8 on the last set - heavier weight, lower reps. There's a ton of reading material out there, but those are the basics.
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    snadam wrote:
    6 days a week is a bit much; your muscles have little time to recover. Try a 4-5 day workout regiment.

    Depends on his routine. Before I recently switched to the 5x5, I used to do chest, arms, back, shoulders, legs, and then abs, one group each day, six days a week. Each group basically had a week off. Now I only work out three days a week, and I'm feeling much stronger overall.

    Definitely read through the www.stronglifts.com blog. I've gone through the entire thing and have learned a lot. I think it'll answer a lot of your questions.

    Whey protein will be your friend. Four scoops a day will give you 100g of protein and almost 500 calories. You can mix it with water, milk, juice, in smoothies, etc. I just had a chocolate shake with peanut butter. Mmmmm.
  • seuss_ssuesseuss_ssues Member Posts: 629
    dynamik wrote:
    snadam wrote:
    6 days a week is a bit much; your muscles have little time to recover. Try a 4-5 day workout regiment.

    Depends on his routine. Before I recently switched to the 5x5, I used to do chest, arms, back, shoulders, legs, and then abs, one group each day, six days a week. Each group basically had a week off. Now I only work out three days a week, and I'm feeling much stronger overall.

    Definitely read through the www.stronglifts.com blog. I've gone through the entire thing and have learned a lot. I think it'll answer a lot of your questions.

    Whey protein will be your friend. Four scoops a day will give you 100g of protein and almost 500 calories. You can mix it with water, milk, juice, in smoothies, etc. I just had a chocolate shake with peanut butter. Mmmmm.

    Im going to 2nd everything dynamik just said. Be sure you get rest for your muscles by either rotating the muscle groups or working fewer sessions. Also the added protein is important to help rebuild the muscles.

    Or you can just do this: http://www.wnbc.com/news/17086168/detail.html

    Im sure its going to be a big hit and incredibly effective.
  • Mmartin_47Mmartin_47 Member Posts: 430
    Drink MuscleMilk for protein. Don't get chocolate it's disgusting.
  • binarysoulbinarysoul Member Posts: 993
    Thanks folks; very informative info!

    I have 2 questions. First, I'm always skeptical about these powder proteins (whey protein, etc). So many times Health officials have said they can harm if not now later. So although I badly need them, these remarks stops me from using them. I actually don't take ANY supplements, tablets, nothing; I just eat ordinary food. what should I do?

    Second, if I exercise 4-5 days (I will stop going 6 days), how many sets should I do for a given exercise (I do 10 reps). Should I do 4 sets of 10 repts, 5 or how many?
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    From what I've read, people with kidney and liver problems have a hard time with high-protein diets. I think the problem is just the high amount of protein in general. I don't think it's something specific to whey protein (unless you get low quality perhaps...). This is the one I get. (I just realized my gym is marking it up like $20 and I get free 2-day shipping with Amazon Prime. That's going to save me a ton!) Do you have a regular physical and bloodwork done? Just keep an eye on things if you're that worried about it. It's not like you're going to just drop dead if you get too much protein.

    Do you want to get strong or do you want to get ripped? Those are totally different workouts. You should give that 5x5 a try if you want to get strong. I think I was only able to 225 a couple of times a couple of weeks ago, and yesterday I did 200 5x5. I could probably easily put up 250 a few times, maybe more. I just feel stronger overall too (and I spend less time in the gym, only 3 days/week). You should really take some time and read that blog I posted earlier. If you want to get strong, do higher weight with lower reps. The opposite if you want to tone your muscles.
  • shednikshednik Member Posts: 2,005
    I have a rather different work out routine since I have kids and don't have time to drive to a gym...I usually wake up in the mornings and get a good 2 mile run atleast 4 days a week. At night since my basement is smaller I use the total gym and have a 4 day work out plan. I also make a point to eat 5-6 small meals a day and try to stick to it pretty well. I've been slacking lately but have lost over 20 lbs since February and feel ALOT healthier. My goal is 20 more by the end of the year and I'll be back to my weight 5 years ago. Another good protein mix is this one EAS-Premium Protein Powder They sell it at my local Sam's Club I've had good results thus far
  • kripsakkripsak Member Posts: 38 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Like many have suggested, eat more and use fitday.com to track your calories.

    The problem with protein drinks is that your body will only digest so much till your digestive system gets rid of the excess. Food>Protein drinks, because food takes longer to digest than protein drinks, and you won't feel as hungry if you've eaten a small meal compared to just a protein drink.

    The only time I will drink a protein drink is immediately after a workout. I would add 500 calories more to your diet, and see if that would help you build a little more muscle. If at that point you don't see results, add another 500 lean calories. And watch that ratio, have something like 40% protein, 30% carbs, 10% fats. Each person's body is way different, so take this bit of info and tweak it to where you would see results.
  • PlantwizPlantwiz Mod Posts: 5,057 Mod
    dynamik wrote:
    Have you been following this thread at all: http://www.techexams.net/forums/viewtopic.php?p=241192#241192

    Hop on the 5x5 bandwagon icon_cool.gif

    You don't need to do the anabolic diet (but may wish to do so), but he still recommends 1g protein per pound of body weight and weight in pounds * 18 for total calories daily. He has a lot of nutritional information on stronglifts.com so I'd encourage you to check it out. Sounds like you need to eat more!

    Gotta say, after 8 complete weeks on the 5x5.... I LOVE IT!!

    This week I focused more on what I was eating and I dropped a fair bit of weight.

    Squats are up to 145# (becaus once I hit 135# I just was too happy to add more. However after 3 lifting days, I added 5# and again today).

    I've been working on getting my grip just right on Press and Bench so that my hand doesn't tweak out...so 80# on Press and 85# on Bench, but I think I can finally add weight Monday.

    From what I just experienced, I'd recommend, find a lifting plan that you can stick with...do it several weeks, then start working on your food. Anabolic diet is great to see the results that have been happening under 8 weeks of work.

    Until you have the skill set to handle www.crossfit.com I highly recommend www.stronglifts.com for a program that is easy enough the first weeks that you go (crap, I think I want to back and lift more)....stay with the program of M,W,F or T,R,S or what ever 3 days + 1 rest day you can....small changes at a time that you can stick with.

    My initial goal was to make it 12 weeks. At that point I'm planning on switching to the 5x5 wtih DB for maybe 4 weeks or maybe 6 before going back to the barbell. I've added weight consistantly and I am not sore. I eat a fair bit of protein, but more now with the focus on exactly what I'm eating.


    I'm doing less then 25g of carbs for another 8 days, then I'm considering the switch full on to the above as Mendi writes. I've always been sold on 'whole foods' so this just makes it even more worthwhile to cut the little processed foods we do have around the house.

    Hey Dynamik, have you tried these?

    Really decent for a protein bar!!
    "Grammar and spelling aren't everything, but this is a forum, not a chat room. You have plenty of time to spell out the word "you", and look just a little bit smarter." by Phaideaux

    ***I'll add you can Capitalize the word 'I' to show a little respect for yourself too.

    'i' before 'e' except after 'c'.... weird?
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Plantwiz wrote:
    This week I focused more on what I was eating and I dropped a fair bit of weight.

    Good for you. I actually gained a couple pounds my first week, but I guess your weight can fluctuate a bit until your body adapts. I'll start paying closer attention after four weeks. I just made it through my second week.
    Plantwiz wrote:
    Squats are up to 145# (becaus once I hit 135# I just was too happy to add more. However after 3 lifting days, I added 5# and again today).

    I've been working on getting my grip just right on Press and Bench so that my hand doesn't tweak out...so 80# on Press and 85# on Bench, but I think I can finally add weight Monday.

    My proportions are so off it isn't even funny. My dead lift is barely higher than my press icon_sad.gif

    Here's my stats from Weds and Today:
    Squat: 160 (missed a couple today)
    Bench: 200
    Row: 95
    Dips: 6,6,4 body-weight
    Overhead Press: 105 (missed a couple today)
    Dead Lift: 115
    Chin-ups: 3x6 (some assistance)

    My lower back and flexibility are really holding me back. I haven't squated low the last couple of years and haven't done anything else for my lower back. Now it's going to have to play catch-up big time.

    I ordered the Magnificent Mobility DVD and Starting Strength book off his website. I'm going to focus on ironing out any kinks in my form and work on flexibility.

    Have you read his grip article? http://stronglifts.com/how-to-grip-bars-correctly-push-vs-pull-exercises/

    I wasn't gripping the bar right either. I was letting my wrists fall back on the presses, so they were basically perpendicular to my forearms. I've been trying to keep everything straight now. It's been a bit awkward, but I'm getting the hang of it.
    Plantwiz wrote:
    My initial goal was to make it 12 weeks. At that point I'm planning on switching to the 5x5 wtih DB for maybe 4 weeks or maybe 6 before going back to the barbell. I've added weight consistantly and I am not sore. I eat a fair bit of protein, but more now with the focus on exactly what I'm eating.

    I'm still getting used to the workout. I've only done 8 sessions (started on a Weds). I've really been looking forward to the weekends, so I can have an extra day to rest up.
    Plantwiz wrote:
    I'm doing less then 25g of carbs for another 8 days, then I'm considering the switch full on to the above as Mendi writes. I've always been sold on 'whole foods' so this just makes it even more worthwhile to cut the little processed foods we do have around the house.

    How are your energy levels? I've been fine except for lifting on Fridays. Last Friday and today, I just ran out of steam. I'm sure I'll be able to hit all my lift targets on Monday. I think I'm going to give it eight weeks or so and then switch to a mid-week carb day and a single weekend carb day if I keep feeling like I'm out of energy. I might do it anyway. About halfway through last Sunday I was feeling all weighted day and really didn't want any more carbs anyway.
    Plantwiz wrote:
    Hey Dynamik, have you tried these?

    Really decent for a protein bar!!

    That's funny. I was actually thinking about doing something similar, but it's nice to have a guide. Thanks for the link. I'll give that a shot tomorrow. I need to go out and get a bunch of groceries anyway. The only thing that sucks about the anabolic diet is that it's expensive. I'm not a big veggie person, so I didn't eat a whole lot before this. Now that I don't have bread, rice, noodles, etc. most the time, I've had to find something else to fill up my plate. I've renewed my membership at Sam's Club and have started buying stuff in bulk.

    I think the thing that I like best about it is that it feels like a 5 day diet. I eat real good during the week and then have a couple of fun meals on Saturday and Sunday. It sucks trying to maintain rigid eating habits long-term. With this, it's easy to fend off any cravings for a couple of days. I'm sure you could apply this strategy to other diets as well; I've just never tried.

    Have you seen these tortilla's: http://www.latortillafactory.com/jadworks/ltf/jwsuite.nsf/ViewSelection/4268019D4EFFAF018825723A0074F6FA?Open&site=Home*ViewSelection=Tortilla_Talk**mb

    They're pretty easy to find around here. I like them a lot. They're packed with fiber and have very low net carbs. Great for breakfast burritos, etc.
  • GrynderGrynder Member Posts: 106
    Nice topic. I will give 5x5 a try starting tomorrow.
    I couldn't figure out how to set your starting weight though. Currently I max out on bench at 245 with 3-5 reps. Starting this routine should I pick a weight where I reach failure after 5 reps? Or go about 70% of max (which should get me to failure after 5 sets)?
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    I started at 185 when I was doing 225 a few times, if that helps at all. You add weight at a somewhat ridiculous rate (every two weeks, 30 pounds to squat and 15 to everything else), so you'll catch up quick even if you start a little low.
  • GrynderGrynder Member Posts: 106
    Thank you. That will be my plan. I'd rather go a little low when starting because the weight increases happen so quickly.
  • PlantwizPlantwiz Mod Posts: 5,057 Mod
    dynamik wrote:
    I started at 185 when I was doing 225 a few times, if that helps at all. You add weight at a somewhat ridiculous rate (every two weeks, 30 pounds to squat and 15 to everything else), so you'll catch up quick even if you start a little low.

    Agree, start low. You may feel a little silly lifting light, but within a month, you'll be where you should be and possibly more or at a point where you can still safely add.

    I started with an empty bar (except for Deadlift and squat) and have quickly added on all....except on my stalls for corrected my hand position as dynamik mentioned he's not wathcing too.

    Good Luck and keep us posted!!
    "Grammar and spelling aren't everything, but this is a forum, not a chat room. You have plenty of time to spell out the word "you", and look just a little bit smarter." by Phaideaux

    ***I'll add you can Capitalize the word 'I' to show a little respect for yourself too.

    'i' before 'e' except after 'c'.... weird?
  • binarysoulbinarysoul Member Posts: 993
    I plan to take in more protein via homemade healthy food. I will drink one liter of milk, chicken, (white), french fries, rice, beef, bread and fruits just to bring variety. Should rice, fries and bread satisfy my 'carb' requirments. I found this on wiki ansewers about how much protien we need?

    "Protein RDA Protein recommendations are mainly based on the individuals body weight. The protein RDA is high, to cover most person's needs. The average requirement for protein is 0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight; the RDA is 0.8 grams this is said to meet 97.5% of the population's needs."
  • BeaverC32BeaverC32 Member Posts: 670 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Grynder wrote:
    Nice topic. I will give 5x5 a try starting tomorrow.
    I couldn't figure out how to set your starting weight though. Currently I max out on bench at 245 with 3-5 reps. Starting this routine should I pick a weight where I reach failure after 5 reps? Or go about 70% of max (which should get me to failure after 5 sets)?

    I always start out at light weight -- 135 for 12-15 reps to get warmed up. My next set is 225 for 12, then 275 for 8, then 315 for 6. Depending on how I felt on my 315 set, I usually do a final set of 275 for 6-8. I went from benching 225 4-6 reps to 315 for 6 reps in about a year.

    It's also important to do do incline/decline press and flies for a complete chest workout.
    MCSE 2003, MCSA 2003, LPIC-1, MCP, MCTS: Vista Config, MCTS: SQL Server 2005, CCNA, A+, Network+, Server+, Security+, Linux+, BSCS (Information Systems)
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    You're an animal!

    (Yes, that was a pun)
  • mrhaun03mrhaun03 Member Posts: 359
    snadam wrote:
    6 days a week is a bit much; your muscles have little time to recover. Try a 4-5 day workout regiment.

    +1 you can't build muscle if you're muscles aren't healing.

    Try more weight with less reps. That's how you build muscle.
    Working on Linux+
  • BeaverC32BeaverC32 Member Posts: 670 ■■■□□□□□□□
    dynamik wrote:
    You're an animal!

    (Yes, that was a pun)
    Believe it or not, I'm actually not really a beaver. I know, my avatar often throws people off...

    My workout routine is pretty straight-forward; I do chest/legs one day, biceps/triceps the next, and then back/shoulders the next (workout 4 days/week). I honestly lift more than about 90% of the people that go there that I have seen, and all I really do is workout consistently and push myself every time I am there. I take no supplements and don't follow a strict diet (unless you call beer every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday strict) :)

    Having a workout partner is probably the best tip I can offer. When you have someone to go with you are less likely to skip a day and are more likely to push yourself harder. Plus it is unsafe lifting heavy weight without a spotter.
    MCSE 2003, MCSA 2003, LPIC-1, MCP, MCTS: Vista Config, MCTS: SQL Server 2005, CCNA, A+, Network+, Server+, Security+, Linux+, BSCS (Information Systems)
  • PlantwizPlantwiz Mod Posts: 5,057 Mod
    mrhaun03 wrote:
    snadam wrote:
    6 days a week is a bit much; your muscles have little time to recover. Try a 4-5 day workout regiment.

    +1 you can't build muscle if you're muscles aren't healing.

    Try more weight with less reps. That's how you build muscle.


    And with heavy weight, the muscles need the rest, so 3x's a week should be plenty unless you are going into some sort of body image competition. How long can a person sustain a 6day a week program of lifting? I suppose you could alternate lifting with cardio, but there really should some proper resting days built in. IMHO
    "Grammar and spelling aren't everything, but this is a forum, not a chat room. You have plenty of time to spell out the word "you", and look just a little bit smarter." by Phaideaux

    ***I'll add you can Capitalize the word 'I' to show a little respect for yourself too.

    'i' before 'e' except after 'c'.... weird?
  • rfult001rfult001 Member Posts: 407
    Take all your linux and Cisco books then duct tape them to various parts of your body. You will build muscle and gain your certs through osmosis. :P
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