SMB authorization Failure

zenlakinzenlakin Member Posts: 104
Hey guys, I am curious about something that we are seeing on our network. We are seeing a ton of SMB authorization failure events and are being reporting by Cisco Mars. From the research that I have done the 2 sources are a web server and a print server. I am curious if there is a way to decrease the amount of SMB traffic on these boxes or if there might be something misconfigured that needs looked at. I am not able to directly look at or reconfigure the servers themselves as they are support by our site administrators but I am curious if anyone might have some ideas on what to have them look at? Thanks.


  • gojericho0gojericho0 Member Posts: 1,059 ■■■□□□□□□□
    what did the authentication message failure say? Is it with a specific user account? Do you have server configured using SNARE to report the events has they happen?
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