keeping orgainized diary etc...

aueddonlineaueddonline Member Posts: 611 ■■□□□□□□□□
What do you guys use to keep organized? I’ve started thinking I need to get in a good habit when keeping a diary. Something mobile that I can easy sync with my laptop and PC that run Vista, do blackberries do this?
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  • networker050184networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
    Yes you can use a Blackberry or other smart phone/PDA.

    I used a Black Jack II for a while and it served me well for organization, but I didn't keep a diary/journal on there so not sure how well it would work for that.
    An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made.
  • astorrsastorrs Member Posts: 3,139 ■■■■■■□□□□
    I use a combination of:

    Outlook 2007
    OneNote 2007
    MindManager Pro 7

    The integration between the 3 is excellent these days.

    And track all my time with TimeTTracker MX2 (but then again I only get paid for what I do - consultant)
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    How do you like MindManager? It's a bit steep for me at $350, it seems slick. I looked at it awhile ago, and version 7 looks even better.
  • astorrsastorrs Member Posts: 3,139 ■■■■■■□□□□
    It's awesome.

    I use it every time I do collaborative meetings (project planning sessions, brainstorming, etc) and usually half the people in the room go out and buy it after. Seriously. So I guess that's a good recommendation. icon_lol.gif

    They have a lite version for about $100 that doesn't have all the features but meets the needs of lots of people. Like I said though I do a lot of planning with it and rely on the export features (it can output to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, OneNote, etc).
  • darkerosxxdarkerosxx Banned Posts: 1,343
    Hey what can mindmanager do that onenote can't? Just watched the video and they look very similar.
  • astorrsastorrs Member Posts: 3,139 ■■■■■■□□□□
    Totally different tools. I'll try to find a better video of MindManager for you.

    I use OneNote for organizing, well everything in one place. Think of OneNote as a binder (or a shelf full of binders - sorry we're using the high school analogy here) with each binder being on a subject at "school" with tab dividers and the pages of notes - or anything even embedded documents, handwirting, URLs, etc - in between the dividers ("sections" in OneNote).

    MindManager is a tool for creating mindmaps. Again going back to the school analogy - maybe elementary school now though ;). A mindmap is a great tool for brainstorming (my teachers used to call them "webs" - think spiders - how the hell do I remember this stuff, oh man icon_rolleyes.gif) consisting of a bunch of ideas (or whatever) branching out in trees from a central idea.
  • darkerosxxdarkerosxx Banned Posts: 1,343
    Yeah, brainstorming. But, from what I saw, all the things in that video could be done in onenote 2007. I'd love a better tool, so I'll check out your video.
  • astorrsastorrs Member Posts: 3,139 ■■■■■■□□□□
    darkerosxx wrote:
    Yeah, brainstorming. But, from what I saw, all the things in that video could be done in onenote 2007.
    Not really the video (I assume you mean this one) doesn't do it justice. You could in theory make a mind map in Visio, but its cumbersome, you can't really link the things in OneNote either (you could draw lines) but the goal when brainstorming is speed. MindManager is fast (insert, type, enter, type, insert, type, enter type, etc). Also the ability to plan a project lets say, change the order around in the map, drag and drop items around and then export to MS Project with all the embedded details, relationships/dependencies, resources etc all maintained is unmatched. You can't do anything like that with OneNote.
  • darkerosxxdarkerosxx Banned Posts: 1,343
    Ahh, it's making more sense now. Sounds cool...
  • RussSRussS Member Posts: 2,068 ■■■□□□□□□□
    post it notes icon_cool.gif
    FIM website of the year 2007
  • undomielundomiel Member Posts: 2,818
    I mostly just keep everything in my head. I can't read my own hand writing half the time so sticky notes are out. I keep notes of some things in Opera's handy note sidebar. But it is mostly just keeping things in my head. It's just easier that way for me.
    Jumping on the IT blogging band wagon --
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