SKYPE swapping anyone

dalesdales Member Posts: 225
Hi all,

I know I have not built up much of a post count here, TBH I up util recently spent alot of time on, but I was wondering if it would be worthwhile gathering a few of us together for a skype conference call or skypecast (maybe from both forums) or at least to add each other.

I mean it could be quite good for some of us for example who are studying the same exam to be able to ring someone as well and say "hey you know that bit on page 378, what do you think that actually means".

Sorry for the reletively newboy post count but I am quite keen to see if theres a benefit in some of us doing a voip conference call or something. Might be good might be rubbish who knows!

I'll start my username is dale.scriven
Kind Regards
Dale Scriven



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