
seekseek Member Posts: 44 ■■□□□□□□□□
Doin Boson test..and it had "What is the diff. between a hacker and a cracker?

Thier answer is Hacker is good and Cracker is bad.

If thats true why do all the questions have a Hacker launching DDOS or viruses? Shouldnt that be a Cracker?



  • janmikejanmike Member Posts: 3,076
    Just like "white hat" or "black hat" or those evil "script kiddies". Go figure! Bottom line: we all know right from wrong--even the kiddies.

    Actually, I doubt that this question originates from CompTIA.

    There used to be a story about the origins of the term hacker. I don't remember what it was--something about model railroaders.

    Well, I'm starting to post stories on an exam forum. Best shut up!
    "It doesn't matter, it's in the past!"--Rafiki
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,081 Admin
    The term hacker is generally used to describe people who continually work at a problem until it is solved using methods that are non-standard, improvised, and experimental. The opposite of a hacker would probably be a scientist who uses standard equipment, practices, theories and models to solve problems.

    A cracker is simply someone who breaks into software and systems like a burglar breaks into houses. Crackers may use hacking techniques or be more scientific in their methods, and they typically steal and/or damage what they crack. The media has latched on to the term hacker and ignored cracker--probably because of how cracker is remembered as a politically incorrect term used in the 70's.

    And I remember hearing that the term hacker is originally an 18th century English term decribing a carpenter who made crude furniture from wood shaped using only a hand axe.
  • DisleyDisley Member Posts: 13 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Unfortunately the term "Hacker" has been destroyed by the media, but it used to be a compliment.

    Just remember, Hackers build things; crackers break them.

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