wholesale used PC's, 3rd world countries

binarysoulbinarysoul Member Posts: 993
I have a friend who works in the center of PC market in Asia and he's telling me used Dell PC's arrive in containers and they have to fix them and sell them for about $200 each (mostly P4, 1.x Ghz, 512M ram, 40-80 GB HD). He said all PC's are at 115V which tells me PC's must be from US or Canada.

$200 seems too cheap when you add the cost of the used PC and the transport/custome costs. Does anybody have any experience in this? which companies sell in bulk and cheap? Maybe I will become rich :). My friend is a techy, so he doesn't know how dollars and cents work, but he said it's a lucrative market.


  • tierstentiersten Member Posts: 4,505
    Its viable because they're packing shipping containers full of old office PCs from the IT surplus resellers. They just do it in one big go. I doubt this will be your ticket to the rich list unless you've got the suppliers and buyers lined up ready to go as you won't be able to compete on pricing unless you've got the same volumes.
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