PS3 + Netgear + Virgin (Cable) ISP + online...

Danny_1983Danny_1983 Member Posts: 23 ■□□□□□□□□□
Evening All...

So i bought a 80GB PS3 at the weekend and have hooked it up to my wireless at home. Everything is fine, can play online games on everything apart from GTA IV. Two of my friends have a 40 and 60gb PS3 and they can send invites online and play in the same game fine. But, when they send me a invite it hangs and then throws me out, giving me various strange errors such as "unable to join a game you were kicked from" etc.

So i have had a quick google and this is what i have changed...

PS3 now has manual IP of I can set a constant ping to it fine even when i am kicked from a game so it dosnt look like a internal LAN issue. I have created a DMZ on my netgear router and pointed it at the IP of the playstation. Dosnt seem to have changed. Settings on the PS3 are NAT type 2. All of the above are recommended from what i have found online.

So....does anyone else have any simliar problems?!


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