Looking for good books?????

Hello, everyone:
Any good books for CNA and CNE???
Do I have to be CNA first before CNE???
Shoud I need to take a course for CNA or CNE????
How hard is the exams????
Thank you
Any good books for CNA and CNE???
Do I have to be CNA first before CNE???
Shoud I need to take a course for CNA or CNE????
How hard is the exams????
Thank you
LadyNred Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
The best books to use for studying are the official Novell books often referred to as "the white books". The reason they are the best is because ALL the exam questions are taken from the official courseware or self study kits. You can get official courseware by attending a Novell authorized training center or by having your company contact a Novell Training Services partner to come in and do a private course. Self Study Kits are available from authorized training partners and directly from Novell. You'll find all of the kits here http://www.shopnovell.com (note: this link redirects to http://www.digitalriver.com/dr/v2/ec_dynamic.main?sp=16&pn=1&sid=27477&cache_id=0). The kits are pricey but do include the software and files that you need to be able to complete all of the exercises. Novell is currently selling these kits for $396.00 US. I offer them at a discounted rate of $299 on my site.
2nd. Question: Yes, you become a CNA before you become a CNE. CNA is the Administrator status and CNE is the Engineer level. To become a CNE you are only required to write the first exam "Foundations of Novell Networking" to become a CNE you are required to write a series of exams.
3rd Question: Should you take a course? *MY* answer to that is a big YES... after all, I'm an independent certified instructor and if people are taking courses from me it keeps bread on the tableSeriously, whether you need to take a course or not depends on your current skill level in networking and how easily you can use self study methods and whether or not you can set up a lab to practice with. You may want to consider taking one or two courses to learn some of the tougher concepts such as how eDirectory works, partitioning & replication and security. You may also want to take one of the courses that involves a server installation... again, it depends on your skill and comfort level.
4th Question: How hard are the exams? The answer to this question is also "depends". It depends on your current skill level and how good you are at studying and if you are already familiar with certification exams. I find Novell exams to be relatively fair. I also find them easier to study for since everything I need is in one book and is covered in the course. I found Microsoft to be more difficult to study for until someone had written a good study book since the courseware does not relate directly to the exams as Novell does.
If you've never written a certification exam before be warned that you will have to spend time studying. Certification exams are not like high school exams where you could pass just by paying attention in class. If you take a course expect to put in many hours of studying before you are ready to take the exams.