Collider? I Hardly Know 'er!

SlowhandSlowhand Mod Posts: 5,161 Mod
So, we're all still here and CERN labs didn't implode the earth. Happy? Good.

Let me start off by saying that, yes, I'm the world's biggest geek. Things like this amuse me to no end, and I've even gone so far as to rip the song into an mp3 so I can play it in my car. (I'm that far-gone, save yourselves while there's still time.)

For those of you not following the physics community's latest toy, the Large Hadron Collider is currently the world's biggest particle accelerator. Early fears, prior to the firing-up of the LHC on September 10th, (with actual experiments beginning next week,) included concerns over black holes being formed inside the tunnel. This, of course, caused some people to panic, while others used the impending feeling of doom to their advantage. Personally, I can't wait to see what kinds of results they'll see up in Geneva. Hell, the first batch of darkmatter they sell on eBay is mine. icon_lol.gif

For a better idea of what, exactly, they're searching for with this great big toy, have a peek at the CERN page for the LHC, (or just listen to the LHC Rap). This video also gives a pretty good idea of the kinds of hijinks we can expect from the research team working with the LHC.

And, for those of you who keep thinking that CERN sounds familiar, it might be because that's where a certain founding member of the W3C worked back in '91, when he came up with a little mark-up language we all know and love. . .

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