Cross your fingers for me!

I'm putting in for a transfer within my company that will give me the same job I had when I was in the Navy - Electronics Technician. I've been a Telecommunications Analyst for about a year, which I like, but Electronics Tech is more of what I love to do.

Nothing gives me job satisfaction more than having schematics all over the place, taking my multimeter out, and testing circuits until I find the problem. It's a dying art with the modularity of everything now (pull this card out, replace with spare, see if it works), but this will give me the opportunity to relive it one more time.

Oh, and I'll only be working half the year, and the fact that my PAY WILL TRIPLE doesn't hurt either.

Cross your fingers, resume's getting freshened up this weekend!


  • networker050184networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
    Good luck!

    Do you see your self ever coming back to the IT side?
    An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made.
  • learningtofly22learningtofly22 Member Posts: 159
    Of course, really I'll never completely let it go even with this job; they want what we used to call ourselves while in the Navy - the Everything Technician. I'll be working on a PLC one day, then defragging/housecleaning a computer the next, perhaps troubleshooting the microwave link the next day, then back to building a junction box the next day. That's the beauty of it, I'll be bridging the gap between IT and Electronics Tech, a hybrid tech if you will!
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