
What's hot?

LETHALAILETHALAI Member Posts: 59 ■■□□□□□□□□
I know it's hard to find good entry level jobs as far as having A+, NET+ and MCP certs. Are there any entry level fields that might be easier to get a foot in the door? I'm considering venturing into cisco or maybe linux. Would that be a smart move or should I continue towards a MCSA, maybe oneday MCSE? Any opinions are welcome and appreciated. Thanks!
It's easier to walk the path if you have a road to follow.


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    Ricka182Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
    I would stay the course with MCSA/MCSE. Look for help desk / support jobs. I know they suck, and usually pay crap, but it's hands on experience. Plus maybe an employer will help pay for more certs, you never know. You could always try for junior admin too, but that's tough to land right now.
    i remain, he who remains to be....
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    garv221garv221 Member Posts: 1,914
    CCNA & MCSE together are always nice...Do CCNA and jump around with MCSE. You can add N+ and A+ for an elective in MCSA which then can be transfered into MCSE. Find a job as an Analyst. I did that, I drove around and fixed all different problems on networks and office PCs. It was easy, but most importantly I worked in a different environment everyday.
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